Page 62 of Locked Hearts

Levi stares at me for a beat, and then glances at Chastity. It’s as if he’s worried she’ll disappear if he looks away for too long. I understand the feeling.

“The twists and turns to come down here gave me motion sickness,” Chastity says, her voice getting stronger with each word. “If I walk back slowly, I should be fine.”

“No,” grunts Levi. The man is a damn caveman most days. “Ash will take you back to hang out with Jonas and Bast. Please, stay with them, and I’ll check on you later, alright? I’m just really feeling a bit like a caveman right now, Little Sinner. I need to know you’re okay. Can you give me this and not fight me on it?”

Pursing her lips, her pretty pink tongue sticks out and I swallow a chuckle. I don’t know many people who would have the guts to do that.

“You’re going to pay for that, Little Sinner. I’m making a list, and I love to punish your perky ass. Please, by all means, continue,” Levi says.

Chastity merely grins up at him and he rolls his eyes.

“Ash, take the brat from me before I decide to blow off the Elders,” Levi grunts.

Hiding a smile, I pull her from his arms. “I know you’re angry at me, but this is really the best solution. I acted out of instinct.”

Relaxing into my arms, she nods. “Will there be snacks?” she asks, and I grunt to hide my laughter. “I don’t think I ate very much today, and that could be why I’m feeling like this.”

I immediately start thinking about where the best treats on campus are, and decide to add some soda crackers to my kitchen raid.

“I’ll take care of snacks,” I murmur. “I’ll text them and tell them you don’t feel well. This needs to stay between us though, okay?”

Snacks are the least I can do for this girl. I’ve only altered her entire existence, because Eve's know well in advance usually of their role. This doesn’t happen all the time, but in my limited experience, this is how Eve's are chosen.

I text Bast when I get into the hallway, intent on handing her off so I can start atoning for my impulsiveness.


Today has been a day. I wouldn’t mind some time cuddling between Jonas and Bast. Ash is very firmly on my shit list, so I don’t feel bad that he went to hunt down snacks. When we get to the top of the stairs, I ask Ash to put me down. I want to walk on my own two feet right now. Bast and Jonas meet us in the hallway, and Ash gives me a sad smile as he leaves.

Bast takes my hand and we turn to head towards their dorm when Bridget steps out of her room, giving me a sneer. I wish I knew why she’s been so cruel to me. I haven’t given her any reason for it, and it feels like she dreams up new ways to put me in my place every day.

And Ash… I never did anything to make him hate me. I have always been polite, even when he would make me cry. He should have been the one my grandmother ordered to teach me my lessons. It feels like he betrayed me, and I don’t enjoy feeling like I’ve been played.

“You look like the meat between a Jonas and Bast sandwich,” Bridget says cruelly.

Jonas shakes his head, taking my hand. “If she was, you’d die from jealousy. Stop bullying Chastity, Bridget. You’ve been allowed a long lead on your leash, but you’re about to choke on it. Ash isn’t going to be able to save you, and you’ve finally gone too damn far,” he says, gently tugging me towards his room.

“Jonas, please don’t tell Ash. He asked me to be as terrible as I could to her. Ash and you two rule this school, please!” Bridget’s words ring in my ears as the door shuts on her.

Ash once again set me up? It kind of explains why he was always in the right place, at the right time, to help drive away the girls. What was his goal in doing this? To catch me in a lie?

Funny enough, he did catch me in a lie, a secret that is solely for the benefit of my family. Sighing, I walk to the couch and fall into it. “Seems like you’re having a crap day, Song Bird, huh?” Jonas asks me with a sympathetic smile.

“You could say that,” I murmur. Jonas and Bast sit on either side of me, and Bast picks up the remote. “Would you like to watch a horror movie, or a funny romcom?” he asks me.

I lean my head back, considering my options. My life is pretty much a horror movie, or so it feels. I don’t think I’m being overdramatic when I say that. Wanting to escape from reality, I say, “Silly, fun, romcom, please.”

Grinning, he puts on50 First Datesand I relax. I heard about this at school, and I always wanted to watch it, but, of course, my father denied me. He also locked me under the stairwell because I asked. How dare I want to sully myself with this filth?

The movie is really funny, but soon my concentration shifts, centering on Bastian’s warm hand on my upper thigh. I’m still wearing my school uniform, and as I curl up with my legs under me, my skirt rides up higher. Shifting on the couch, I can’t get comfortable. Jonas kisses my shoulder and murmurs, “Need something?”

I vaguely realize that Ash never came back, and then thank God that he didn’t. I don’t need him to ruin this, whatever this is about to be. Tempest and I have worked up to different forms of intimacy, and it’s been going really well. There’s no way to test it without just seeing where this goes, so I nod.

“I can’t get comfortable,” I breathe and Bast grins.

“Come lay against me and stretch your legs onto Jonas. I’m sure he won’t mind. You’re wiggling an awful lot, maybe he can soothe whatever hurts,” he says softly.

I can’t help myself, I whimper as I lay back on his shoulder and stretch my legs out across Jonas’ lap.