Page 26 of Locked Hearts

“And then what?! You kissed her! Chastity’s in so much trouble over this, and it’s all your fault. Why couldn’t you check your jealousy at the door for two seconds?”

I’ve had about enough of this. “You’re both fucking idiots!” I roar, pushing away from the wall I’ve been holding up.

Both boys startle, whirling around to face me.I knew they’d forget about me. “You’re both going to lose everything over a random girl, who may not be your Eve. What the hell are you thinking?”

They stare at me, shifting on their feet, ashamed. “I want you to go to your room, and get the hell out of my sight. I need to go see Mother Superior to find out why she needs me. She should be able to attend to her own granddaughter’s punishment over this nonsense. Although it seems that Miss Cross’ only mistake was believing you meant well, Ash. God, I can’t stand the sight of you both. Get the fuck out of here, and know that both of your forms were sloppy as hell and it needs work.”

Ash and Bast look down and nod. “Sorry, Father,” they both mumble, before hightailing it out. I don’t bother responding to correct them, as I definitely used my teacher's voice on them. I don’t like having to reprimand my guys, but they both fucked up today.

I’m just waiting for my father to call and yell at me.

Sighing, I start to head back to my office when I see Sister Mary walking towards me. “Mother Superior asked me to remind you that she wants to see you in her office, if I happened upon you during my stroll,” she says with a soft smile.

Nodding, I adjust my path. “Thank you, Sister. I’ll go there immediately,” I tell her.

The walk to her office means that I pass a few students in the hallways who avoid my eyes. I’m known as a hardass here, but it also means that few students, outside of the ones I’m personally responsible for, act up around me.

I kind of like being a scary motherfucker.

Knocking on Mother Superior’s door, I stand back to wait for an invitation to enter. Just because she asked me here, doesn’t mean I have the right to invite myself in. “Come in, Father,” she says, and I have to strain to hear her.

Opening the door slowly, I see her stand from behind her desk. “Don’t dawdle now, I don’t have all day,” she complains, and I hold back a smile. The woman is a ballbuster, but she still has the same characteristics of an older woman in power. They are usually short on patience.

Quickly, I enter the office. Just because I find her amusing, doesn’t mean she’ll accept anything less than complete obedience in her domain.

“Close the door behind you, please, Father. I have something to discuss with you that I’d prefer if no one else knew about.”

Being sure to close the door, I walk up to her desk. I don’t sit, again, because I haven’t been asked to. “What can I do for you, Mother Superior?” I ask respectfully. She has Sister Anna beside her going over some documents, presumably for the running of the Academy.

“Yes, that will be fine,” she tells Anna, then signs something. I wait in front of her desk until Anna's left, knowing she won’t speak in front of her.

She stares at me for a beat, and various emotions cross her eyes; doubt, anger, and then finally, righteous indignation. “My granddaughter, Chastity, came here so that she could repent of her sins. I truly want her to find the peace of knowing she walks the path of the Holy Spirit,” Mother Superior explains. Wondering where she’s going with this, I nod.

“May I ask where I come in with this?” I want to help her, but I’m unsure what she expects my role to be. I’m already teaching several of Chastity’s classes.

“I want you to be in charge of her punishments, so my granddaughter can feel closer to God. At the moment, her mind is clouded by sin and men,” Mother Superior says, curling her lip. “This doesn’t benefit them, or my granddaughter, especially with her history.”

Rolling my bottom lip in, I decide I can’t stay quiet. I have no idea what she wants me to do. “I don’t know her history. What is it that makes her a predator, as you’re describing her, to the boys of our school?”

Mother Superior shrugs, picking up a sheath of papers. “That information is classified, but she got into some trouble when she was living with her father, and I would like to keep history from repeating itself. In keeping with this, here are a list of suitable punishments to keep her mind pure and on the path to redemption.”

"I'm sorry, you want me to do what?" I cough to control my growl from slipping through my frown. Mother Cross sighs and shakes the papers at me.

"I took the liberty of writing down a few of the usual punishments that should keep her in line,” she explains.

Taking the papers, I begin to go through them. My eyes widen as I see that some of the punishments are barbaric.

Have the sinner kneel while her arms are out and palms up. She must recite scripture from memory, so as to be in the proper frame of mind to renounce Satan and all of his works. However, if even one word is out of place, their guide in the faith will punish them with a switch.

Interrupt the sinner’s sleep patterns—so that she can’t dream inappropriately, or allow evil spirits to visit her person—by screaming. Force her to kneel and pray while she’s sleep deprived to find redemption.

Put her inside a closet, in complete darkness, and allow her to be alone with her thoughts as she sits with God.

It is deemed acceptable to practice mortification of the flesh by whipping her skin with various instruments

There are photos of “approved” instruments, and I swallow back bile.

Some of the listed punishments feel outdated and cruel for a nineteen-year-old girl. My chest feels heavy at the idea of performing these punishments on Chastity.