Page 20 of Locked Hearts

Everyone gets up excitedly, some wondering why Father Levi was called away, while others decide to just enjoy the free time.

“Hey, I think you need a change of scenery. Why don’t you have lunch with me in the courtyard? It’s nice out, and you won’t have to deal with them,” I explain, trying to convince her. I need her alone so I can talk to her.

“I think that might be nice. I haven’t been very hungry lately,” Chastity confides in me. She looks away, as if surprised she even told me that much.

“Awesome, let’s go then. I know just where to grab lunch, so we don’t have to go to the café,” I explain to her, grabbing her hand and tugging her along.

Walking quickly, we go to the kitchen for food. She watches wide eyed as I make some sandwiches, then grab a blanket, bottles of water, and find brownies from the fridge. Jonas is always hiding his sweets, and I make a note to make it up to him.

“Now that we have everything we need, let’s grab a spot in the courtyard,” I say with a smile.

Chastity nods with a tentative smile, her gorgeous hair swaying with the motion. “I think being outside would be really nice, after today's classes,” she says with a sigh, following me.

Laying everything out for a picnic, I encourage her to eat. I know she usually takes her meals in her grandmother’s rooms, but the old bat can’t be very maternal. Growing up in an orphanage, I can’t say I have any idea about what that’s like, outside of my dreams and movies.

Chastity smiles tentatively, and I decide to start with some easy questions. “I realized as I was listening to the girls messing with you, I don’t know anything about you. What’s your favorite season?” I ask her, knowing this is no way controversial or probing.

Chastity’s eyebrows raise at the question. Finishing her bite, she thinks about her answer. “I love the sunshine. Summer is one of my favorite seasons because everything is so full of life. It’s hard to be sad when everything is bursting with beauty,” she confesses.

I wonder where she’s been that she’s seen sadness, and then nod nonchalantly, taking a sip of water. I don’t think she realizes how much she said in her answer.

We chat and eat, until the girls find us, right on time. I've just finished my sandwich.

“Are you getting your talons into poor Ash? You know you have the power to drag unsuspecting people down with you, don’t you?” Lisa asks, ripping out a page from her notebook. Writing a word on it, she crumples it up and throws it at Chastity’s face.

Shaking her head, she opens the paper, her face going pale. I swear, her lips even lose their color. Pulling papers out of their bags, they all rain sheets down on her. Opening one, I find the wordJezebelon it. Hmm, creative.

“I’m trying to have lunch. Get the hell out of here!” I yell at the girls. “Go pull the heads off dolls, and make sacrifices or something, but leave us alone!”

Mo gasps, clutching her neck. “We would never! That’s the devil’s work.”

I smirk, with a shrug. “Not if I tell Mother Superior you did and show her evidence,” I threaten.

“You never let us have any fun,” Lisa yells, stomping her feet.

I growl at her, and she shrieks. “No, no… I’m sorry!” The girls throw their hands up in defeat, moving away.

“You know, you didn’t have to do that,” Chastity says softly, eyes firmly on the blanket. “I don’t want you to get into trouble for me, or for them to start bothering you.”

Bast is right, she really shouldn’t ever hide her eyes. Gently cupping her face, I turn her to look at me. She’s surprised, as if used to hiding from the world.

“Don’t worry about it,” I tell her softly. “I’ll handle any blowback from them.” I don’t bother telling her that I keep them happy so they’ll do my dirty work for me. “Why do you make yourself so small? I’ve seen you hide behind your hair a few times, and I don’t understand why.”

“I don’t really know… I don’t like the attention. I’ve always been in my father’s shadow. I guess it’s a part of the job description of a preacher’s daughter. School wasn’t any better. They would pick on me for the modest clothing I wore, or my lack of makeup. The girl’s here are just like the ones from back home.” She shrugs, then nibbles on a brownie, smiling.

“I never got to try one of these the other night, but they are good.” I grin and take one for myself, agreeing.

Bast and Jonas were right. Chastity’s sweet, and it seems as though she’s had it rough. Nothing like the spoiled princess I thought she was, there’s no doubt about it. When she told me that stuff about her previous school, my conscience yelled at me.

I’m not purposely vindictive usually, though the guys regularly call me out for being an asshole. But, the orphanage sent me to this Academy for a reason, a higher purpose, even though I got into trouble regularly. I want to be worthy of that, even if it means eliminating those that stand in my way. Chastity can’t be allowed to distract us from our goals.

Helping her up from the blanket, I put everything away and we walk together to the kitchen to drop off our picnic supplies. Under any other circumstances, our lunch would have been really nice.

There’s a lot of people in the hallways as I walk her to her Bible Study class, but I ignore them. My eyes are firmly on the beautiful, shy girl next to me. Her long, honey brown hair sways with every step, and I’m walking so closely that its softness keeps brushing my arm. I want to wrap its length around my fist. I’ve never felt like this for a girl before, because they’re all catty bitches. I’m uncomfortably turned on, and confused by my feelings.

I keep asking myself what’s so special about her, but honestly, it’s everything. She’s so unassuming, whereas the other girls here think they’re hot shit and know they’re beautiful.

“Thank you for walking me to class,” she says, looking at me. I’m proud of her for not looking down, and want to reward her. I lean in to hug her, but her pouty lips distract me. Moving my face at the last minute, I kiss her.