Page 12 of Locked Hearts

“Please, I know the answer,” she insists and I roll my eyes. “Please don’t tell her, I’m already in so much trouble,” she whispers, tears shining in her hazel eyes.

Bridget giggles at her tears, causing the class to cat call and tease her for failing something so simple.

Dammit, I shouldn’t feel bad because she fumbled. I know she didn’t know the answer, and I eat little girls like this for breakfast for their ineptness. So why do I feel like shit?


What is happening right now? I understand I was late, and I apologized for it, but it is my first day of classes, after all. Shouldn’t I be given even a hint of leeway? I have never in my life met a priest like Father Levi. Not only is he young, but he seems to have an attitude. What crawled up his ass and died?

Father Levi scowls my way and I cringe. One of the guys who messed up his own answer hides a smirk, and I curl my fingers into my hand, nails digging into my palm. Breathing deeply, I remind myself I’ve survived worse, and I just need to get through this class.

“Why is abstinence important to God?” Father Levi asks.

I open my mouth to answer, because this has been ingrained in me from a young age, but the man doesn’t give me a chance. Over and over, Father Levi rapid fires questions at me, some that I know and others so obscure, I doubt anyone would know the answer. He rants and raves about how useless I am, and how unprepared I am to go through the rigors of this school. Tears fall down my face, and the popular girls that I saw in the dining room, laugh.

Father Levi asks another question, and Bridget raises her hand with a smirk on her face. Before Father Levi can acknowledge her, she smugly chirps out the answer. “Abstinence is important outside of Biblical reasons because it helps us focus on the things in our lives that are important. We can build friendships, focus on school activities, and grow as people, without the pressures of sex.”

Yes, we have moved on from being grilled on Biblical verses and onto emotional development. I’m considering this emotional warfare from Father Levi. Every word scraping my soul and reminding me of all of the choices that were taken from me.

Father Levi grins at Bridget, and while he should eviscerate her for speaking out of turn, he congratulates her. “I was worried I’d be spending the rest of the class talking to myself,” he says as she preens.

Hiding my face with my hair, I lean forwards and pray for the end of this torturous class. I guess one perk of being late, means the bell rings faster than I had expected.

I don’t wait to see if Father Levi wishes to speak with me. I quickly pack up my things and book it before half of my classmates have moved. I find my English class quickly and sigh when I find out my teacher is someone I know. Sister Margaret gives me a kind smile as I take a seat in the second row. Her classroom is light and airy with the windows open, letting in a nice breeze. I take in a deep breath of the forest air and relax.

Someone takes a seat beside me and I freeze when they gently touch my arm. I don’t know if it was because of being touched in general, or if it was the kind touch that’s set me off, but I feel woozy.

“Hey, Chastity, you okay?” I spin to find Jonas looking at me in concern. I nod and give him a big smile in relief. Ash slinks into the chair next to Jonas and I internally groan. Please don’t tell me they know each other. Ash isn't bad per-se, but he’s not the friendliest person I’ve ever met. I give him a small wave and he scowls in return. Well, okay then. Jonas rolls his eyes.

“Ignore him, he’s grumpy this morning. How are you? How’s your first day been?” Jonas asks.

“Informational, to say the least. My last class was hard, but I love English, so hopefully this one will be better,” I say quietly.

“Well, I can tell it’s already better, since I’m here,” he says in a joking manner, and Ash groans as I laugh softly.

“I hope you're right.”

Our conversation is cut off as Sister Margaret shuts her classroom door, then stands in front of us all. “Let us bow our heads and start with a prayer,” she says softly before starting to pray. I bow my head and gasp when Jonas holds my hand. I peek out of the corner of my eye and he’s smiling with his eyes closed.

I make the sign of the cross with my right hand and say, “Amen.” Jonas releases me as Sister Margaret begins today's lesson.

“Okay, we’re going to try something new for the next few weeks. Please pick two people to work with in a group of three. You will all be given a topic for your first quarter project. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. Once you have chosen your teams, please come up to my desk and grab a topic from the jar.”

Sister Margaret turns and takes a seat at her desk. I glance around nervously. I don’t know anyone yet, and I don't think Ash will want to work with me. Jonas has other ideas. He glances at me, then Ash, and grabs both of our hands. I give him a smile in gratitude, and Ash grumbles, but doesn’t object.

I stand and shuffle over to the dish filled with papers and grab one, then take it back to the guys. They seem to be deep in a heated discussion and I worry I’ve done something to upset them. I hold out the paper and Ash rips it from my fingers.

He reads our topic and snorts, “Well at least you picked something simple.Team Four: Please work together to write a five page paper discussing sin and how movies or music has used them to portray how it’s cool. Give as many examples as you can come up with and choose one person who will be leading a discussion during class.”

“That’s simple?” I ask. It sounds like a lot of work, and I already know I’m going to let this team down. “I don’t know much about music or movies, but I can volunteer for the discussion,” I say embarrassed about how sheltered I’ve been. Not to mention, I haven’t exactly had access to a radio, computer, or TV in the last two years. Now, if it was a discussion about books, I would be highly equipped.

Jonas blinks for a minute then gets a huge grin on his face. “No worries, this just calls for some movie nights.” He seems excited about this new plan. Ash seems amenable, and me, I’m freaking the hell out.

I’m just getting used to being around guys. I don’t know how I’ll react being alone with them, in the dark, watching movies. I know my grandmother isn’t going to approve of this, and I doubt she will let them into our apartment. But it is a class assignment, so maybe…? I’ll have to ask her.

“I’ll need to check with Mother Superior first, but that sounds nice, Jonas,” I say and Ash snorts again, mumbling under his breath. I don’t ask him to repeat himself. I have a feeling he doesn’t like me very much, and I hate confrontation.

* * *