Page 68 of Pilot's Virgin

We laid together in each other’s arms long after we had finished, and I was okay with that. There was no need to worry about time. There wasn’t any rush for us to get out of bed. We could order room service if we so chose, or we could just eat and drink the love we had for each other.

All I knew was that I never wanted this moment to end. All I wanted to do was be held by this man whom I loved. I wanted to be with him through all the ups and downs of life, and now that he had come back to me, I knew that he wanted the same thing as well. It hadn’t been easy for us to get to this point, but then, they say that love isn’t easy.

I didn’t need it to be easy.

I had fought my way to the top of my career, and I was willing to fight my way through the hard times of love to be with Greyson. As long as he and I were dedicated to this relationship and committed to each other, I knew that we were able to get through anything that came our way.

I laid my head on his chest and gave a sigh of contentment.

“I’m glad you came back for me,” I said, my voice barely more than a whisper.

“I am, too,” Greyson said. “It was by far the best decision I have ever made.”

He put his hand over mine and squeezed, and I gripped his chest as he did.

I had to agree, he did have a point. He’d made a mistake, then fixed it, but he’d learned a valuable lesson in the process. He didn’t want to live life without me. It had taken him losing me to find out that I was what he really wanted, no matter how hard it was for the two of us to be together.

He was willing to set aside what he had wanted in life to be with me, and he had done it without even knowing for sure that he was going to need to give it all up. I hadn’t done a thing to get him to come back, and I hadn’t said a word about him having to help out with a kid.

It was all what he had done in his own mind, and he had still come back to be with me. I knew without a doubt in my mind that he loved me more than anything else in his world. He’d proved it when he walked through that door and told me he wanted me to come back to him.

And I knew I felt the same way for him.




“It’sweird to think that we’re finally back,” I said. “I mean, I thought we’d be back a few weeks ago, so it feels like we’ve been gone forever.”

“Right,” Laurel agreed. “I did, too. But I guess they wanted to throw every single curveball they could at me while I was on this trip. Maybe there was a good reason for it. I don’t know. I’m just glad it’s over.”

I was, too.

And she was right.

We had planned to fly back to New York when she was finished with the hotel in Seattle, but the night before we left, she got a call from her boss once again. He’d told her that the man from the Seattle hotel had called him and told him she’d done such a good job, that she was wanted in Chicago as well. Once she had finished that, he’d sent her to a new location in Las Vegas.

I was starting to think that we weren’t going to ever make it back to New York, but to our relief, once the hotel in Las Vegas was finished, we were able to head back home. But, there was still some anxiety with coming back, and I knew Laurel wasn’t entirely prepared to deal with it.

“What do you think Leroy’s going to do?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I admitted. “If he has half a brain in his head, then he’ll hand over that promotion. But with some of the shit that he’s put you through already, I’m not sure he’s got that half brain in his head, you know?”

“Right,” she said with a nod.

When we were leaving Seattle, it sounded as though she was going to get a bonus for the work that she had done, but that the promotion was off the table. Since then, she hadn’t heard anything else about the job. She had done the next two hotels with all the same passion and thoroughness that she had done the first three, and I hoped that would mean something in her boss’s eyes.

But it was hard to tell with her boss.

He didn’t seem to know what he wanted. From what I was able to see from him, he would run his company based on his personal feelings that day, and that was the worst way to do things as far as I was concerned. But, it wasn’t my company, and I didn’t have any say in it.

“You know if you do wind up not getting the promotion, I know of a few flight attendant positions you could apply for,” I said. “Hell, I would even hire you to be the flight attendant on this plane. Then I would be your boss, and I would make sure you got all the bonuses in the world.”

I winked at her while I spoke, and she laughed.

“You can’t afford me,” she told me.