“Uh-huh, sure.” She laughed.
She pulled out her phone and turned her attention to whoever she was texting, and I darted back up the stairs to the elevator. I wanted to get my things and get out of there as quickly as we could, just to make sure I wasn’t holding her back at all. It was my part of the agreement to make sure I was ready to go at a moment’s notice, and I was being paid handsomely to do so.
I hadn’t realized we were going to be packing up and getting out of there that quickly, or I would have had my bags mostly packed at all times. But, I was a light traveler, and since I had purchased most of the things I had with me now here in Florida, it wasn’t difficult for me to grab the bags and shove them into my suitcase.
I was on my way back out the door and heading back to the lobby before even fifteen minutes had passed, and I could see by the look on her face that she was surprised I hadn’t taken long at all with getting ready.
“I told you, I’m ready to go when you say go.” I winked at her on my way by.
She blushed, but I took over carrying the bags out to the Uber. We packed ourselves in, but it wasn’t until we were back in the air that I felt comfortable again.
“You fly so beautifully, it’s like you were born in the air,” Laurel said when she walked up into the cockpit with me. “I don’t know how you keep all these lights and buttons straight. I would get overwhelmed, I’m sure.”
“A lot of them take care of themselves,” I explained. “I know it might not look easy, but you really just have to make sure that they all stay either some shade of yellow or green. When they turn orange or red, that’s when you have a problem.”
“And what do you do?” she asked.
“Scream, usually,” I joked.
She gave me a look, and I laughed out loud. I knew she was nervous about flying at all, but with the way our relationship had taken the turns it had, I felt I could joke with her when we were together. Even the look she gave me told me she could see that it was a joke, and she didn’t seem to mind all that much.
“How do you even learn how to fly?” she asked.
“You just get in the seat and go,” I told her. “I mean, you do have to learn what does what to get it up to flying altitude and all that, but for the most part, when you are in the air like it is now, you just have to make sure it’s steady. Keep it going in the right direction, and you’re good to go.”
“Can I try?” Laurel asked.
I looked at her, letting the surprise show in my face. I knew she was feeling braver with coming up into the cockpit like this, but I had no idea she was going to ask to actually fly the plane.
“Sure,” I said. “Come on.”
“Of course. I told you that if you want to learn, you pretty much just get in the seat and go. It’s a lot easier up here than you’d think. It’s the landing and the takeoff that takes more practice. Oh, and dealing with the things that go wrong as they do,” he said.
“How comforting,” she replied. “You make sure nothing goes wrong, okay?”
“What are you talking about? You’re flying now, I’m going to go take a nap,” I told her with another wink.
She shook her head, but didn’t say anything, so I laughed out loud. I was impressed she had taken control of the plane from me. It took guts, that was for damn sure, and she was flying it like a pro.
Was there anything this girl couldn’t do?
I had never been sonervous to do anything in my life, and I had to admit, I was rather surprised when Greyson let me take over control of the plane. He said it was easy to be flying when we were already in the air, and I took him at his word.
There had been a part of me that felt he was going to tell me no when I asked if I could give it a try, and I wasn’t sure what possessed me to even ask. It reminded me of being a kid and being able to ride on my father’s lap while he was driving in his truck. I was allowed to hang onto the steering wheel while he was the one driving – something I knew was highly illegal now that I was an adult, but at the time, I had fun doing it.
But this was different in the sense that I was the only one with any control over the aircraft. It was kind of like a car in the sense I could feel I was the one who was steering it, but at the same time, I wasn’t sure how it would handle if I were to pull on the steering wheel in the cockpit.
I could feel the weight of the plane behind me as I let it lift gently, but there was something that was also so easy about the way it glided through the air, I could see why Greyson loved flying so much.
He let me be the one to control the plane for at least an hour, but then I had to head back into the cabin of the plane so I could get some work done. I knew I had plenty of work waiting for me when I got to California, and I didn’t want to have a repeat of what I had to endure when I was in Florida.
If I was able to get a head start on the places where I would be going to get furniture, then I would have a rough idea of what to look for when I got there. And, with the secret weapon I now had in my back pocket, I had a feeling I would be able to get just what I wanted out of these furniture stores without too much fuss from the owners.