Page 57 of Sold By The Siren

I refrain from slapping him this time and just enjoy his laughter.

“You deserved that,” Josef says. His laughing slowly tapers off, and he gazes at me with tenderness sparkling in his beautiful blue eyes. “Now, I know I don’t deserve it, but Mari, my love, will you marry me?”


Epilogue Part 1


“You may now kiss the bride,” the officiant says. We both lean in and have our first kiss as husband and wife. I had told Josef I wanted a not-so-traditional Japanese wedding. A combination of Japanese, American, and any Russian customs he wanted to add. I’m wearing a beautiful white kimono that Honey helped pick out. Josef is wearing a black and white tuxedo.

We both agreed that the lake would be the perfect location for the ceremony, and the reception will be held shortly after, outside Josef’s cabin. Well, I suppose, it’sourcabin now.

Together, we turn and face our guests before making our way back up the aisle, this time as husband and wife. We spend a few minutes mingling before instructing everyone to head up to our cabin, following us or using the trail with bows that match my obi kimono sash tied around the trees.

We get to the yard, where there are tables and chairs set up. Each place setting has a glass of champagne waiting, and there’s an awning set up nearby with an outdoor bar underneath. We pour small ceremonial cups of sake into a larger one on a small table in front of us. Together we pick up the larger cup and take turns sipping from it, first me, then my husband.

Uncle Suki is the first to hold up his glass.

“I noticed there was no asking if anyone objected to the wedding. Not that anyone would object to Josef or Marik—” Dad clears his throat and raises his glass, cutting his brother off.

“It seems Maresuke has already started the celebration before the bar was even open,” Daddy says, and the guests laugh.

Uncle Suki shakes his head no with a mischievous grin on his face while Dad continues his toast.

“I noticed him chatting up the nice, young bartender as we got here. Speaking of which, miss, thank you so much for your patience with my brother,” he raises his glass toward the bartender, making her smile.

“Marika, I always hoped you would find a nice young man to settle down with. But then you chose Josef,” he pauses, and there is more laughter from the crowd.

“I kid, Josef, I kid. They say marriage is an adventure. It has definitely started that way. Perhaps a little more than we would have liked. But you both have shown loyalty and devotion to each other on a grand scale. May your next adventures together prove easier.

“Marika, your mother would be proud. I know she is watching over us right now, along with all our ancestors. And I am certain she is as happy as I am that we are all together and safe. Not only that, but you and your husband have cleared June Yumiko’s name and have given her justice. I love you, daughter.”

I wipe tears away from my eyes. Josef places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes, letting me know he is here for me.

“Hear, hear!” and similar sentiments come from our guests as they clink silverware against their glasses. Josef and I hug and kiss each other, causing more hoots and howls.

“Now the bar is open for everyone!” Dad says to more cheers from the crowd. He had insisted on paying for the booze, to which Josef happily obliged since he had insisted on paying for everything else.

Josef and I remain seated at our smaller, private table as the guests line up at the bar. I watch everyone and take a moment to soak it all in. The strongest, most beautiful man I’ve ever known is not only sitting right next to me, but we are married now.

“You know I meant what I said. I really don’t deserve you,” Josef says.

“What are you talking about?” I turn my head and look at him. “Of course you deserve me. You’re a good person, Josef. I wouldn’t be sitting here otherwise.”

“Well, I have softened a bit over the years. I haven’t always been a good man. But I want to be. I want to be better for you, Mari,” Another tear forms in my eye. Josef reaches a hand up and holds the side of my face.

“My best man, Dmitry, has made us an offer, and I think we should take him up on it.”

“What do you mean an offer? Like a job?” I ask.

“No, not exactly. Dmitry and his wife Daisy have a large plot of land in Argentina. He built their home himself, and he’s offered to build us one on his land. He wants us to move there.”

“Move to Argentina? Like, permanently? Forever? What about my family? I don’t want to leave them, Josef. Especially not after everything that’s happened.”

“I know, Mari. But we have to be realistic. I’ve spent my whole life as a gangster. I’ve never held a legitimate job. It kills me to say this, but if we stay here…” he trails off for a moment. “How can I continue making a living without putting you in danger all the time? ”

“Putting me in danger? You mean working with the Bratva?”