Page 56 of Sold By The Siren

“What?” Katana asks him.

“The Siren had control of the Yakuza and the harbor patrol. Now you do. Explain it to them.”

“What?” Katana repeats even louder.

“Explain how Sonomi was the cause of all of this,” I say to Katana as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. I consider smacking him in the back of the head, but I don’t think I know him well enough for that. Besides, I think I'd like to reserve my head smacks for the man I love.

Katana nods, takes a deep breath, and heads out.

“Two Spies,” Josef says.

“Hmm?” I ask, turning my attention to him.

“You and Artyom will be my Two Spies when the time comes,” Josef says.

Artyom looks at me and nods. I’m not exactly sure what that means, but I think Josef just appointed Artyom and me as his seconds in command of the Bratva.

“But I still want to sing. Even after all of this, I still want to sing, Josef,” I say.

“You can do whatever you want,“ he says.

“You can do both,” Artyom chimes in. “The Siren is dead, and no one will be able to stop you.”

“Hey, Artyom. I want to buy a contract from you,” Josef says.

“I had feeling you’d say that,” Artyom says with a smirk. “It’s yours for no charge since you just saved my life.”

“I’ll take it. Thank you, my friend,” Josef says, smiling ear to ear now.

“Wait a second,” I say. “I just saved your life, Josef, my love. So the contract is mine. I’m going to be in charge of my own singing career. ”

“I think we’re even on saving each other’s lives now. But I’ll make a deal with you. I am going to have to charge you something.”

“How mu…” I begin, then Josef winks.

“Ouch!” Josef exaggerates when I give him a light tap on his head this time.

“Oh, you love it,” I say as I go in for a kiss.

“So, Marika and I are partners now, yes? That means I can smack Boss on head too?” Artyom asks.

“No!” Josef and I say together.

“I already owe you for shooting me in the gut with a rubber bullet. That hurt,” Josef says.

“You are trained boxer. I knew you could take it,” Artyom says.

“And I oweyoufor shooting my dad, Josef,” I join in.

“Shit, I forgot about that. But he’s the one who owes me for hitting him just right and letting him use my escape air tank. Maybe I’ll take his daughter off his hands and marry her,” Josef says.

“Perhaps I should step outside and see how Katana is fairing with the authorities. Maybe nicer proposal will be happening then,” says Artyom

“Good idea, ” I say to him. Josef starts to get up, but I hold him down.

“You can do it from there while I think about the answer.”

“Mari,” He takes my hands in his and looks deep into my eyes. “Will you be one of my seconds in command of the Bratva?”