Page 40 of Sold By The Siren

I nod wordlessly. This strange man just admitted to killing two people in my dad’s house. I don’t know his intentions, but I could be dead right now if he hadn’t done what he did.

“I don’t have car here. Did not want them to see. We need take yours,” he says in broken English.

“Where are we going?”

“To the marina,” he answers as I press the button on my key to unlock my car. I go to open the driver’s side door.

“No. I drive,” he commands. Normally I would argue, but I don’t want to waste any more time.

“So do you have a name?” I ask as I circle around to the passenger side door.


“You’re called Ghost?”

“Da, Casper Unfriendly Ghost is name they give me. Not sure why. Ha, ha, ha,” he chuckles with a fitting, eerie laugh.

“I guess you already know, I’m Marika,” I say, not sure why I feel comfortable conversing with this killer. “Call me Mari.”

“I know who you are. Nice to meet you in person. You are attractive, like your sister,” he says. For some reason, it doesn’t sound creepy. Even still, tears are welling up in my eyes, and I’m starting to feel unhinged.

“Sorry. Did not mean to sound like creeper,” he says, and the corners of my mouth move from a pout to a smile.

“I just want to see my family again. I need to see that they’re safe.”

“I know it is difficult but try not worry,” he says.

“Like that’s going to happen.”

“Suppose not. Good people always worry about family. Your family is safe though, and I am bringing you to them.”


We’re close to the marina now. Ghost opens his window, picks up a pistol, and points it just below the top of the door. The gun must have been on his lap the entire ride. I gasp as he looks into and around the marina parking lot and then drives passed the entrance.

“Is something wrong?” I whisper as my heart is pounding fast in my chest again.

“Nyet,” Ghost says. “Just making sure everything look alright.”

He makes a U-turn and pulls into the parking lot. He pulls the car into a maintenance area near the water. We park in a spot next to one of the marina work trucks and near the walkway that leads out to the boat docks. Ghost gets out and rushes around to my side. He pulls open the side compartment of the truck, grabs a rifle, slings it over his shoulder, and grabs something else.

“Here,” he says, starting to put something over my head to rest on my shoulders. At first, I think he’s giving me a life jacket, since I figure we’re about to get on a boat. Once I feel how heavy it is, I realize what I’m actually wearing. A bulletproof vest. He turns and grabs a hoodie from the truck and hands it to me. “Warm now but will get cooler when night comes. Put on jacket and use hood.”

“Thank you,” I say and put the jacket on. I take a deep breath as I think the jacket might be to hide the bulletproof vest, so someone shooting at me doesn’t shoot me in the head instead of my heart.

“You go down dock to third boat on left, blue and white one. Name, Maximum Splash,” Ghost explains as he pulls the rifle sling over his head and holds it against his chest.

I zip up the jacket and pull the hood over my head. Ghost must want me to use the hood to hide my face from anyone that might be looking for me.

“It might rain soon,” he says. I like that explanation better. “One more thing. May I ask question? Is important.”

“What is it?”

“Your sister. Is single?”

“Yes,” I laugh, surprising myself. “But the Stockholm Syndrome approach may not work best on her.”

“Too bad, is best approach I have. Ha, ha, ha.”