Page 38 of Sold By The Siren

“Mama! Mama!” I remember trying to yell to the woman through the back windshield. Thankfully, I’m not saying it out loud.

“Be a good boy, Yosef!” The woman next to me yells.

“I’m not Josef! I’m Jasha! I want my Mama?” I told her with confused

fear in my voice.

“You are Yosef, and I am your Mama. Say it!” she speaks sternly and slaps me across my mouth.

“I am Josef, Mama,” I said, not wanting to be struck again.

“Good boy,” she says, pulls me into her lap, and continues. “I have a surprise! We’re going to United America with Daddy, Yosef!”

Snapping out of the daydream or, whatever it was, the sulfur smell has returned. My feeling of dread increases as a light perfume is mixing with the scent as more people are entering the shed behind me. To my relief, a girl that is not Mari, wearing a silver corset bodysuit, is led past me. She’s pushed into the other bondage chair by another thug.

“Get his gun,” she instructs her man, then takes his magnum. The Siren is smart not to let that weapon get too close to my hands. The girl is not Mari, but I will not see her harmed if I can help it.

“Be careful with that. It’s loaded,” I say to the thug with a smile as he removes my revolver from my waistband.

“Hahaha. Even what you say is so damn cute. That is part of why you’re still alive. Okay, let’s cut to the chase,” She switches the guns with her thug and starts fiddling with mine.

“I don’t want you interfering with my business anymore, Blondie. Not as an outsider, anyway. Come work for me. This is a very limited-time offer, and I love to give signing bonuses. That’s why I brought Sylvia here with us. I own her.

“Your slut,” she says, looking over at Brenda. “Told us about the roulette game you like to play. It sounds like a gambling venture we could employ and make quite a bit of extra money from. The owners, after they get tired of a girl, will bet and enter her into the games. When a girl loses, the owner will want to buy new stock. I’ve been looking for a way to expand my trafficking business. It’s perfect.”

My mind is racing with the information this horrid witch is revealing. She said Connie was her property, and she owns this girl, Sylvia, too. Girls like them are just cattle to her to be used and killed, and now more girls will be abducted and entered into a cycle of slaughter, all because Sonomi found out about me.

I’ve done some terrible things, but this Siren is just the most evil creature I’ve ever been in the presence of. She’s emptying the bullets from my revolver, loading one back in, and spinning the cylinder. She starts to hand the gun back to me.

My hand is out, pointing toward Sylvia with my palm up. That last time I was in here and played Russian roulette with Brenda, the gun was unloaded. I never actually put a bullet in it. I haven’t played for real since that time when I was a kid.

“Don’t be in such a rush to play with her, Josef. Let’s have a little build-up before the game. Our audience will be paying so much just to attend. I bet they’ll love this!” she says and pulls her top down over her shoulder, exposing one of her big tits. “Don’t worry. My boys won’t be jealous if we let a stud like you into our fun. Bend Her here says you like to smack these. Go ahead.”

I move my outstretched hand and slap one of her tits, hard. Magnum Man clicks the hammer of his gun back.

“Stop!” she yells at him. “I just told him to do it, stupid.”

The thug clicks the hammer back to its safe position.

“It’ll be nice to have a real tough guy with brains around who can get rough when I want it, instead of you submissive yes men all the time. Understand?”

“Yes, Miss Sagawa. Anything you wish,” he answers.

“See what I mean, Blondie? Now slap the girl’s face a bit first. I want you to see how well the sluts are trained.”

I turn my palm and give the girl's cheek a good slap.

“Harder, Daddy. Please, Daddy!” she says. My stomach is feeling queasy again, and my head is still hurting. Memories of my mother and father bring me back in time again. This is more of a memory than that daydream, or waking dream, or whatever it was.

Papa gave me a gun and told me to play Russian roulette with the other boys. Mama starts to say something. I think she’s going to object, but Papa called her a bitch and told her to get upstairs and spread her legs. He smacked me across the face and turned to follow her.

I can hear my mother being beaten, and I’m running upstairs, ready to use the gun on him. I’m aiming at my father’s back. He’s hitting Mama while fucking her. A slap forces her head to the side, allowing me to see her face.

“Hit me harder, Daddy. Harder, Daddy!” Mama is saying. She looks at me with a big smile on her face and shoos me away with a waving motion of her hand. Mama was enjoying it. She didn’t care that I was going to play Russian roulette with other kids. A realization hits me. Neither of them were my real parents. They kidnapped me and trained me to take the place of their lost or dead child, Josef.

“Yes. Very well trained,” I half snap out of it and return my palm up with my fingers pointed toward Sylvia.

“Good. But only point it at the silver slut. None of us and not yourself. You don’t play. I don’t want to see your pretty-boy face messed up,” the Siren says, placing the gun sideways on my palm just as I wanted. The cylinders in some guns, like the Russian Nagant revolver my father had given me back then, spin clockwise when looking at it from the rear.