Page 210 of Thrust & Throttle

Duke lit a fire, and as the smell of burning softwood scented the air we got comfortable on the leather couch in front of the stove. I cracked open the bottle of scotch and had a tiny sip, straight from the bottle.

“That’s fucking delicious,” I said, handing it to Duke.

“It should be. It’s SINNERS.” He took a long swallow and tried to give it back to me.

I shook my head. “I’m good.”

He raised his brows. “You’re going to make me drink alone?”

I cocked my head to the side. “We’re going for a baby, aren’t we?”

His eyes darkened. “We are.”

“Just thought it would be better if I abstained…moving forward, I mean.”

He set the bottle of scotch onto the coffee table and then grasped my legs, hauling me close. “You’re still good with that life plan? Even after…”

“Even after my kidnapping?” I finished for him.

“Yeah, that. I thought for sure you’d want to press the pause button on kids.”

“I’m an Old Lady,” I reminded him. “Is there ever a good time to have a baby with a biker?”

“Some times are better than others,” he pointed out. “Shit with the cartel…”

“There was always going to be something.” I took a deep breath. “I don’t want to stop living my life because something badcouldhappen. Something bad alreadydidhappen, you know? The world isn’t safe, but you make it as safe as you can for your family. For us. We can’t stop living for fear of the bad. We have to live for the good. You taught me that.”

“You sure? Because I can wait if you want to wait.”

I swallowed and ducked my head.

“There’s more, isn’t there. That you’re not saying. What is it?” He reached underneath my chin and forced me to meet his gaze. “You can say it.”

My lip wobbled. “I want a piece of you in this world with me…in case you…in case this war—”

“In case I die,” he said baldly.

I nodded.

He skimmed his fingers along my jaw. “I’m not going to promise you that I’ll live. No one can make a promise like that without it being a lie.”

I nodded again, tears gathering in my eyes. “Yeah, I know.”

Duke leaned in to kiss me, soft, tender, wanting.

I kissed him back with fervor and then said against his lips, “Make love to me, Duke.”


We sleptin and got a late start on the day. Duke took his bike out from the trailer and we dressed appropriately for the new climate in Colorado. He straddled his motorcycle and I got on behind him, wrapping my arms around his muscled body. I scooted as close as possible and then we took off.

He drove us to Garden of the Gods, where we saw beautiful rock formations in different shades of reds and pinks. We ambled hand in hand without any purpose except to be outside and enjoy one another.

“I’ve never seen the sky so blue or so clear,” I remarked.

“Perfect weather, too,” Duke said.

We both turned to one another and said at the exact same time, “No humidity.”