Page 204 of Thrust & Throttle

“You two, go fight over there,” Duke said. “And let me talk to my woman in peace.”

“Peace? What peace? Sounds like she’s ready to cut your balls off right now,” Savage quipped.

“Go away,” Duke commanded.

“Is that any way to talk to your best man?” Savage demanded.

“Go,” Duke barked. After a moment he said, “We’re alone now, I promise. And I took you off speaker. Are you really pissed about this? The truth, Willa.”

“No,” I said quietly. “I’m not pissed. I’m… You know I want to marry you. That’s not what this is. It’s—shit, Duke. I know you can’t control every aspect of your life, and normally, I don’t even try to. It’s just…”

“You were kidnapped and now you don’t ever want to be out of the loop or out of control ever again.”

I exhaled. “How did you—Jesus, Duke. You hit the nail on the head, more than I could even put into words.”

“All you have to do is marry me. Everything else we can figure out.”

“What’s there to figure out?” I demanded. “I want you, you want me.” I paused. “I had another panic attack. In front of the girls this time.”

“You did.” It was a statement, not a question.

“I didn’t tell them anything. I know I can’t. For their safety as well as the club’s.”

“Sorry you have to shoulder that burden, Willa.”

“Will you do me a favor?” I asked him.


“Clue me in next time you want to change our lives,” I joked. “So I can prepare for it.”

“You don’t always get time to prepare, babe.”

“When it comes to weddings and buying houses? Yeah, those are the types of things I want to be privy to before you pull the trigger.”

“We bought the house, and we’re about to get married. What other thing can I even do that might send your world for a spin?”

“I’m not sure. When I figure it out, I’ll let you know.”

We hung up and my annoyance had completely vanished. I leaned forward and knocked on the closed partition. A moment later, it slid down to reveal the driver’s profile.


“What’s your name?” I asked.


“Al. Nice to meet you. I’m Willa.”

“Nice to meet you,” he said.

“You’re still not going to tell me where I’m going, are you?”


I sighed. “Figures.”

“Icantell you that you’re going to love it, though.”