Page 203 of Thrust & Throttle

“It’s not impromptu, whatever the fuck that means,” Duke said.

“It means without planning,” came a female voice in the background.

“Is that my sister?” I demanded.

“Yeah, that’s Waverly,” Duke said. “You want to talk to her?”


A moment later, Waverly came on the line. “Hello?”

“Don’thellome. What’s going on?”

“You’re getting married.”

“Yeah, I got that much.”

“We’re all waiting for you. We took care of everything. Try and relax.”

“It was thoughtful of you guys,” I said softly, “butIwanted to plan my own wedding. It would have been nice to be involved.”

“I’m sorry.” Waverly sounded contrite. “But I wanted to make sure you had a beautiful wedding and you weren’t just slapping shit together in order to make it legal. You never do anything nice for yourself, so we took it upon ourselves to make it nice for you.”

I sighed. “Will you put Duke back on the phone?”


“And Waverly…”



“No sweat. Drink the champagne, unless you’re pregnant, then don’t.”

“I’m not pregnant,” I protested.

“You sure? You’re kind of ornery. It would make sense if you were pregnant.”

“I could just be a bitch. You ever think of that?”

“I did, briefly, but my guess still stands.”

“I’m not pregnant!”

“Is Willa pregnant?” came Savage’s voice on the other end.

“Am I on speaker phone?” I demanded.

“Yes,” Waverly said.

“I’m not pregnant,” I insisted.

“Too bad,” Savage muttered. “Get busy on my namesake.”

“What makes you think Duke and Willa are going to name their kid after you?” Waverly asked.

“We have deal,” Savage said.