Page 121 of Thrust & Throttle

“About knocking? Absolutely.”

“No. About how nothing is going to change. How it’s still the three of us. Now and forever. Even if it’s also me and him?”

“It’ll always be the three of us. I still think you should name your first squirt Cooper.”

“First?” I raised my brows.

“Oh come on. I see the way Duke looks at you. You’ll have many squirts.”

“Savage,” I warned.

“I need a bunch of godchildren to corrupt. Get crackin’, woman. Time’s a wastin’.”


We steppedout of the bar, the air warm as our skin adjusted to the outside world. Duke held my hand, his fingers laced with mine. Savage was still inside, flirting up a storm with a blonde he’d met when he’d asked her to play pool with us and be on his team.

“You were worried for nothing, weren’t you?” Duke asked.

“Don’t lie, you were a little worried too,” I prodded.

“Worried is too strong a word. I’d sayconcerned.”

“You think he’ll ever find someone and be happy?”

“He finds plenty of someones, and he’s regularly happy,” Duke quipped.

“You know what I mean. One woman for an extended period of time that could turn serious.”

“He’s not ready. He might never be ready.”

“Hmm. You’re paired off,” I reminded him. “You’re no longer out there on the prowl…hunting.”

“Ah, so you think he’ll wake up one day in the near future, his life suddenly meaningless and empty because he has no one to share it with?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Men don’t work that way.”

“I’m not talking aboutmen, I’m talking about Savage. I think I know him pretty well.”

“Not as well as me.”

“Fancy a wager?” I asked.

“What kind of wager?”

“The kind of wager like the Old Ladies made. About if I’d wind up with you or Savage?”

“Yeah, only, this time we’ll make a bet on if Savage will get serious with someone.”

“In what time frame?”

“Within the next six months,” Duke said. “I vote no.”

“I vote yes. What are we betting? Money?”

“Nothing so trivial as money,” Duke said. He backed me up until he had me pinned to the side of my car. “The winner gets to have his or her sexual fantasy completely fulfilled.”