Page 113 of Thrust & Throttle

“At least you’re honest. Maybe a black eye will look good with my leather cut.”

“You think he’s gonna punch you?”

“It’s Savage. And we didn’t tell him first, you know? He’s gonna take that personally.”

“Yeah. He will,” I sighed.

“Won’t be the first time I’ve taken a shot from him,” Duke said and then grimaced. “God damn he’s strong…”

“If it comes to that I’ll comfort you in a very special way…”

I got out of the shower first and then handed him a towel.

“You know,” he said, tying the towel around his waist. “If we lived together, we could make sure to have our own bathroom. And then we’d have space.”

“I’m not opposed to living together,” I admitted slowly. “But we literally just moved in, and you and I aren’t even officially public yet…even though the girls know.”

“So what? You don’t have to stay here because you just got here. Everyone that moves in winds up leaving shortly after, anyway.”

I left the bathroom with Duke trailing behind me. I went into the bedroom I shared with Waverly, trying not to be seduced by Duke’s words. I’d love more space. I’d love to wake up with Duke next to me and not worry about one of us needing to sneak out.

Not to mention…daily sex with Duke? Yeah. I couldtotallyget on board with that.

“Tell you what, let’s get through telling Savage and see how that goes, and then let’s get through Doc and Boxer’s wedding and after that we’ll revisit this conversation.”

“I’ll hold you to it,” he stated.

I opened the bottom drawer of the dresser, and it caught. I worked it out slowly. I picked up a T-shirt and a pair of leggings.

He raised his brows. “You’re not getting back into the lingerie?”

“It served its purpose,” I teased.

“Speaking of serving its purpose, you got my shirt all dirty.”

“Washer,” I explained. “You can hang out in your jeans and I can ogle your chest at my leisure. Though it might be a good idea to bring over a change of clothes or two for future use.”

“Where will I keep them?” he asked.

“I’ll make room for you in a drawer.”

“You barely have enough room as it is,” he pointed out.

“Do you want part of my drawer or not?” I asked, refusing to continue down this argumentative path.

“I do,” he admitted.

I gathered his shirt and a few other things and walked to the washing machine. He followed me.

“I know you, Duke,” I said, turning around to face him after I started the wash cycle. “This is more than just wanting us to live together. So, what is it?”

He went to the couch and grabbed his jeans, pulling them up and fastening them. Then he took a seat on the couch. Leaning forward, he rested his forearms on his thighs. “I don’t want to live at the clubhouse anymore. It’s fine for when you want to crash after a party. It’s fine if you’re not a family man…” He looked at me, his eyes dark and intense. “But I want to come home to you, Willa.”

“It won’t just be me,” I said slowly. “Waverly, too. We’re a package deal.”

“I know that. I’ve watched her grow up. She’s basically my kid sister. Of course I know that when I ask you to live with me, it means her too. That’s a given. And I’m happy about it.”

“You want stability? You want routine? You want normal?”