Page 83 of Thrust & Throttle

Duke stared into my eyes. “I didn’t tell you when you walked in, but you look dynamite tonight.”

I grinned. “Thanks.”

“Red suits you. You should wear it more often.”

I’d splurged on a provocative red dress from Leather and Ink that was expensive even with my employee discount. It crossed over my breasts to form a halter and was tight all the way to my waist, where it flared out. It fit me as though it was made for me, and I reasoned that since it hadn’t sold in the store for a few weeks it was meant to be mine.

And now Duke was looking at me like he wanted to forgo dinner and eat me instead.

Goosebumps prickled along my neck.

“You look good too,” I said. “You clean up nice.”

He’d worn a white button-down shirt with the sleeves rolled up showing his arms. And though he still had on his leather cut, his jeans were new. It was about as dressed up as a biker was ever going to be. He’d never be a suit-and-tie kind of man. And more importantly, he never tried to be something he wasn’t.

“Good evening.” A server interrupted, appearing at the table seemingly out of nowhere. “May I start you off with something to drink?”

“Do you have champagne?” I asked him.

“We do.”

“I’ll have a glass, please.”

“For you, sir?”

“Glass of rye. A few rocks. Thanks.”

The server nodded and then left us alone.

Duke looked at me. “I didn’t know you liked champagne.”

“Don’t know if I do,” I said with a laugh. “But remember when I asked you to dinner, I told you there was something I wanted to celebrate?”

“And whatarewe celebrating?” he asked. “You never did say.”

“I’ll tell you when we have our drinks so we can toast. Let’s look at the menu,” I said.

After a few minutes our server returned with our drinks and set them down in front of us. “Have you decided what you’d like?”

“Sorry, not yet. We need a few more minutes please,” I said.

“No worries, take your time.” He left us alone again.

I raised my glass toward Duke. He did the same with his drink.

“To success,” I stated. “Mia hired me to re-design Shelly’s website.”

“To success.”

We clinked glasses and I took a sip.

“How is it?” he asked.

“Not worth the hype,” I said with a laugh. “But I’ll enjoy it. Have you decided what you want?”

“Not yet. I don’t know what anything on the menu even is. What the hell iscassoulet?” Duke asked.

“No idea,” I said. “Let me flag our server down.”