Page 5 of Thrust & Throttle

A few moments later Duke returned with Crow and Savage.

“Crow is going to give you a lift home,” Duke said as they strode toward us.

“On a motorcycle?” Jessica’s eyes widened in excitement.

“Fuck no,” Duke barked. “He’ll drive you in Mia’s car.”

Crow swirled a keyring around his finger. “Let’s go.”

Jessica dogged after him like a lost puppy.

“We better get going,” Duke said. “I don’t want Waverly and Sheet Stain to go somewhere else and force us to spend the entire night tracking them down.”

I nodded.

“My bike or Duke’s?” Savage asked.

“Duke’s, I guess.” I blew out a furious breath of air. “Weren’t you getting frisky with Elizabeth?”

“I was,” Savage drawled as he turned to look at Duke. “This fucker interrupted me right when it was about to get good.”

I wrinkled my nose. “I don’t want to know.”

“I got her number. She’ll meet me later. So all is not lost.”

“Glad to hear it,” I remarked dryly.

The three of us trekked to the corner of the parking lot with all the motorcycles. Duke handed me a spare helmet and then climbed onto his bike. I clasped the strap around my chin and then got on the bike behind him, scooting close and wrapping my arms around him.

He tensed ever so slightly and then relaxed.

“You know where this place is?” I called out.

“Yeah,” he yelled back as the engine of the motorcycle came to life. “Hang on.”

We zoomed out of the parking lot. It wasn’t the first time I’d been on the back of Duke’s bike. I was comfortable there. Like I belonged.

I’d ridden on the back of Savage’s bike, but it wasn’t the same. It had always been different with Duke, and that was why I’d been terrified of ever letting myself think about the possibilities of what we could become.

The three of us had been friends since we were kids. They were my family. We worked well as a group, the three of us—but only because we’d sworn not to let anything romantic get in the way.

But one night a few weeks ago, Duke and I crossed a line.

And I wasn’t ready for it to change everything. It wasn’t just about Duke and me. It was about my friendship with Savage. But it was also about Duke, Savage and me as a collective unit.

My situation with Duke was a mess.

Now my home life was a mess.

We pulled up to the curb just outside Boots, and Duke cut the engine. Savage rolled in behind us and did the same. It was clear the neighborhood was rough. The sidewalk was cracked, trash littered the gutter, and there were a few feral cats skulking around the alley. Half a block down, there were seedy looking men gathered in a cluster outside a liquor store.

“What the hell is she thinking?” I demanded, climbing off Duke’s bike.

“Hormones.” Duke grimaced. “Speaking of. Gimme a minute.”

“Why would you need—” My gaze dropped to his lap, realizing that I’d been curled around him, the heat of me pressed against his back. “Got it.”

I quickly turned away to give him the illusion of privacy.