Page 45 of Thrust & Throttle


“Am I delusional,or was this furniture not that ugly in the store?” Waverly asked, skimming her hand across the top of the scuffed dresser.

“You’re not delusional,” I said, my mouth pinched. “This is hideous.”

Waverly let out a giggle.

“I’m changing and then we’re cleaning the dresser and moving it into the bedroom.” I kicked off my heels and made a mental note to call Laura. I could work every shift she had available now that Waverly would be at Charlie’s. But as much as I loved working at Leather and Ink, the truth was that I only did it for the employee discount. Now I needed something that brought in more cash until I had enough web design clients to sustain a business.

Mia was cutting me a deal on rent even though she said she wasn’t. I didn’t want people to have to cut me deals. I wanted to pay my own way. I wanted to pay Waverly’s way.

As I was mulling over the idea of getting another job—or two—Waverly’s phone rang.

“It’s Mom,” Waverly said. “Why is she calling me in the middle of the day? For all she knows I’m supposed to be in class.”

“That’s probably why she’s calling. She expects to be able to talk to your voicemail.”

Waverly’s expression darkened and she pressed answer. “Hey, Mom. Hold on a second.” She took the cell away from her ear and pressed another button. “Okay. I’m back.”

“Hey, baby,” my mother crooned through the speaker phone.

“Don’t,” she said, suddenly sounding far too adult. “You took off with all my books. You know that right? Not to mention my clothes? And Willa’s clothes?”

“Don’t be mad at me, sugar,” Angel whined. “I’m a free spirit and go where the wind takes me.”

She goes where the guy who shows her the slightest bit of attention goes.

“Listen, baby, Red and I are on a road trip and I don’t know when I’m gonna be back.”

I grasped Waverly’s phone out of her hand, tapped the button to take her off speaker phone, and put the cell to my ear. “It’s me,” I said, walking toward the bathroom.

Angel paused. “Willa, I didn’t know you were there.”

I closed the bathroom door, ensuring I had some privacy.

“You’re not gonna get on my case about taking off, are you? Look, I know it’s a shit thing to do. I know I should’ve planned better, but I met Red and he’s different—”

“They’re always different,” I interrupted.

“I want you to be happy for me. Why can’t you do that?”

Anger gushed to the surface from the hole I’d buried it in. I bit my tongue. There was no use spewing accusations or hurtful words at her. It wasn’t going to change her behavior. It wasn’t going to bring her back. It wasn’t going to turn her into the mother she was supposed to be.

“I’ll take care of Waverly,” I said, tears of rage filling my eyes. “I’ll buy her clothes. I’ll cook her meals. I’ll make sure she graduates, all of it. But you owe me something, Angel… Do not come back here. You’re free. You no longer have to be burdened with children. Live your life. I’ve got this.”

I hung up on her. I took a moment and tried to get my shaking hands under control, and then I opened the door. Waverly stood just outside the bathroom, pretending to look nonchalant.

“How much of that did you hear?” I asked.

“Practically none of it,” she said.

“So, all of it?”

“Yeah, pretty much.”

With a sigh, I slung my arm around her shoulders. “Sorry you got a mom who doesn’t know how to be a mom.”

“Sorry you got one too,” she said, bumping her hip against mine.