Page 41 of Thrust & Throttle

Duke slid the glass Heinz bottle across the table and Savage caught it.

“Not sure,” I admitted. “I talked to my boss before all this went down, and she said to take as much time as I need to figure family stuff out. So, I’m not worried about that, but I’ve only got one web design client and another potential in the wings. I need to make some extra cash. And I’d very much like not to prove Cal Riskin correct and get it by working the pole.”

“Cal Riskin,” Duke repeated. “Let me guess? Captain Dickwad?”


“He justsoundslike a douche with that name alone.”

I looked at him and grinned. “He’s the second douche in line. Cal is Cal Junior.”

“And unless we cut his balls off, he’s going to procreate and make a Cal the Third.” Savage took a huge bite of his burger.

“No,” I said immediately.

“No, what?” Savage asked.

I grasped his chin and forced him to look at me. “Promise me, Savage.”

“Promise youwhat?”

“You know what.”

“I promise to leave his testicles intact.”

I cocked my head to the side.

“I mean it.” He batted my hand away from his chin. “Unhand me, woman, and let me eat my burger in peace.”

“Duke?” I asked.


“I’m counting on you to keep Savage on the straight and narrow.”

“Savage will do what Savage will do,” Duke said, taking one of Savage’s fries.

“Dude,” Savage complained. “Get your own. Besides, no one can chain me. But I’ll keep my promise. No ball squishing.”

“I guess that’s all I can ask for.”

Waverly appeared at the table. “Thank God. Food. I’m starving.”

“Violence brings out your appetite?” Savage asked with a roguish grin.

I elbowed him.

“Ouch.” He rubbed his rib.

“Please, I barely touched you. How’s Dylan?” I asked my sister.

“Fine.” She sighed. “Well, not so much fine as ready to shove Cal into a locker, but I made him promise not to do it because the last thing I want is for Dylan to get suspended too. No reason for him to ruin his future. He’s on the Ivy League track. I just had to have a boyfriend who’s a brainiac.”

She bent her head and focused on cutting her corned beef.

“This is where you say something encouraging,” Savage stage whispered to me.

I elbowed him again.