Page 215 of Thrust & Throttle

“Nice to meet you,” I said.

“Same. You’re Duke’s Old Lady?” he asked.

“Yes. Recently.” I held up my hand to show the ring.

“Congrats,” Raze said.

Duke introduced me to Viper, the other man standing with them. He towered over everyone, something uncommon for a group of big men. His jaw was clenched and his dark eyes seemed to swallow the afternoon sunlight. He was massive and looked like he was a professional body builder.

“Viper,” I stuttered. “Nice to meet you.”

He grunted in reply and then without a word, stalked away.

“Don’t mind him,” Raze said, his expression sobering. “He’s had a rough couple of years. It takes a crowbar to pry two words out of his mouth.”

I frowned and looked after the man who’d just left the group to go stand with three other men who were part of the South Dakota chapter of the Blue Angels. The Old Ladies noticed him, but Mia was the only one to hold up her hand and wave.

“Who are the others?” I asked.

“Kelp, Smoke, and Bones,” Raze said.

“Smoke and Bones seem pretty self-explanatory road names, but Kelp?” I queried. “What’s a Kelp?”

“You’ll have to ask him,” Raze said with a wink. “Heard about what happened to you by the way. Sorry about that, Willa. It’s good we’re here for a while. There’s a lot that needs to be done.”

I didn’t know this man, but I was touched.

“Thanks, Raze. We’re glad you guys are here too.”

“Even Viper,” Savage quipped. “Surly fucker.”

“He should’ve been named Beast,” I muttered before I could stop myself.

A crack of laughter escaped Raze’s mouth.

The afternoon turned to evening and we lit a bonfire. Lily, Cam and Silas swarmed around their parents, demanding food. Colt finally caved and ordered pizza, much to Brooklyn’s consternation.

“Woman,” Slash growled at Brooklyn. “You aren’t responsible for food at every event.”

“Yes, I am,” Brooklyn said, tearing up. “It’s my thing.”

We crowded around the bonfire, enjoying pizza right out of the box. Duke and I shared a few pieces while he drank a beer. I watched the bikers interact with their women, taking the moment in as I realized things were going to change soon.

Slash was doting on Brooklyn, making sure she was comfortable and that she had everything she needed. Zip held his newborn son, attempting to keep conversation going with Torque, despite his attention moving constantly back to the love of his life, Joni. Darcy sat on Gray’s lap, whispering something in his ear that made him laugh. Torque stood over his wife, resting his hand on her shoulder while their son slept against her. Colt had his arm around Mia and they were talking to Bones and Kelp. Baby Scarlett was asleep in her arms.

Rachel was sitting with Raze and Smoke. She was smiling and laughing, but it was clear her mind was somewhere else.

Savage and Acid talked with the newly patched in Crow and South Paw. They were brothers now, part of the club, sworn to protect the innocent at all costs, even if it meant their lives.

Viper sat alone on the picnic table, holding a bottle of liquor. He was staring off into the distance, every now and again sipping from the bottle. No one approached him, not even members of his own club. He was not amicable and didn’t appear as though he cared about anything.

I sat on a log in front of Duke. He was resting in a camp chair at my back. I turned and leaned against him for a moment before getting up.

He looked at me in confusion.

“Bathroom,” I said quietly.

I went into the clubhouse up the stairs and used the restroom. I pulled my panties down and a pang of disappointment shot through me as I saw my underwear. I grabbed a pad from underneath the sink, glad the Old Ladies thought to keep feminine products on hand.