Page 189 of Thrust & Throttle

The squeak of the screen door announced that we were no longer alone. “Food’s here,” Savage called.

“Be there in a bit,” Duke said. “I’m holding my woman.”

Eventually, we untangled. He took my hand in his and led me to the clubhouse. It was by no means boisterous, despite the number of people inside. It was as if the babies could sense the shift in mood and didn’t even cry or fuss.

“Sit,” Slash said to Brooklyn who was standing at the counter, making sure everyone had the food they wanted.

“I’ll sit in a minute,” she said.

“Sit now or I’m picking you up and making you sit,” Slash said with a glare at her.

With a sigh, she took the plate he offered her and ambled over to the couch.

“The woman doesn’t know how to rest,” Slash grumbled.

“No rest for the wicked,” Brooklyn called out to him.

Suddenly, he grinned and shot his wife a look full of heat.

“Anyone see Waverly?” I asked.

“Theater room with Sailor,” Darcy said.

“Yeah?” I asked with a relieved smile.

“Fast friends,” Darcy assured me.

I looked at Duke. “You mind if I go hang out with them?”

“Go for it,” he said, loading his plate full of food.

Laughing, I pointed to the dish. “Seriously? That’s all for you?”

“No. It’s for you.” He handed it to me.

I looked at the mountain of food.

“Let me feed you, okay?” he asked quietly.

Heart in my throat, all I could do was nod. I took plastic silverware and went downstairs into the theater room with the massive plate.

The girls were sitting on the floor. Sailor’s back was to me and I couldn’t see what had monopolized their attention.

“What are you guys doing?” I asked.

Sailor turned her head to look at me. “Playing cards.”

“What game?” I asked.

“War,” Waverly said absently.

I sat down on the couch. “Mind if I hang out with you guys for a little bit? There are a lot of people upstairs.”

“Sure,” Sailor said.

“How’d you sleep?” I asked her.

She shrugged. “Okay, considering.” She shot a glance at Waverly who was reaching for her fork.