Page 17 of Thrust & Throttle

“Hey,” Joni said to me. “You’re awake. Awesome. Now I can see if my jeans fit you.”

“Your jeans?”

Joni lifted the bags. “My pre-pregnancy jeans. We’re nearly the same height, so I figured it was worth a shot. There’s some other stuff in here too.”

“Wait,” I said. “I’m not following.”

Waverly set the bags down by the couch and then sauntered over to the counter. She took my fork and cut herself a bite of pancake. “Mia gave me her pre-Scarlett clothes—her words not mine—and Joni is giving you her pre-pregnancy clothes. So now I won’t have to wear the leather corset you’re mad that I stole from you.”

I grabbed her nose and gave it a tweak. “Jerk.”

“You gonna finish these?” she asked.

I dropped her nose and shook my head, pushing the plate toward her.

“Can I show you my favorite pair of jeans?” Joni asked. “They’ll make your ass look great. I should know. They caused this to happen.” She pointed to her stomach.

“What caused what?” the vice president of the Blue Angels asked, striding in from the back, holding a baby. He marched to Mia. “Your husband wanted me to give you this.”

Mia took the baby. “Hungry, needs changing, what?”

“Yes,” Zip said. He looked away from Mia to his pregnant wife, a roguish grin on his face.

“I stand corrected,” Joni drawled. “It wasn’t just the jeans. It was those jeans andthatsmile… That’s why I got pregnant.”

I hastily tossed the jeans in question at Joni. “You keep them. I don’t want that kind of energy.”

“Suit yourself,” Joni said, folding up the pants. “But I’m not allowed to wear these again until I’m ready for another baby. Because knowing Zip, it’ll be a one shot, done deal.”

Zip wrapped an arm around his wife’s shoulders. “I love it when you compliment my sperm.”

Waverly choked on her food.

“Look what you’ve done to the poor kid,” Joni said.

“This poor kid is taking these pancakes to go,” Waverly said, picking up the plate and beelining it to the theater room stairs.

“Thanks,” I said to Zip.

Zip frowned. “For what?”

“For scaring Waverly away from ever having sex.”

“Oh man,” Mia whined. “Scarlett just blew out her diaper and got it all over me!”

“Quick, get her back here,” Joni said. “We can double whammy her. She won’t have sex for years.”

Mia sighed and wrinkled her nose as she kept the baby pressed to her chest. “Excuse me while I go deal with the consequences of my actions.”

I wasn’t sure how I felt about the fact that the Old Ladies—and by proxy—all the Blue Angels knew what my mother had done. If it was just me, I’d figure out a way on my own. But I had Waverly, and she’d been through enough upheaval. The fact was, we needed help.

My phone rang as I buttoned up a pair of Joni’s jeans. They fit like a glove and I was instantly in love. I fished underneath a pile of clothes to find my cell and answered it.

“You’re either calling to tell me you’re changing the café menu and I have to update your website, or you’re calling because of the Old Ladies group text and you know about me chasing my fifteen-year-old sister around the city last night, only to discover she has a secret boyfriend and then later get news that our mom hitched up the RV and bounced, and that Waverly and I are moving into Mia’s rental.”

“It’s not to update my website,” Brooklyn said. “And I’m going to need more details on all of that. I just heard that you were moving into Mia’s rental and I was wondering what I can do to help. I’m sort of in the nesting phase of my pregnancy and I’m worried I’m about to start crocheting table cozies.”

I chuckled. “You could just crochet scarves.”