Page 14 of Thrust & Throttle

“Of course, he loves me. It’s Duke.”

“That’s not what I mean, and you know it.”

She sauntered into the bathroom, and I followed. I stood in the doorway while I watched her slather her toothbrush with far too much toothpaste.

“I’m curious what makes you say that.” I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned against the doorframe.

“Duke has been in love with you for like,ever. The way he looks at you when he thinks no one is looking is the definition ofpining.”

I raised my brows as my heart beat in my chest. I was trying desperately to hide the truth from her, but I wasn’t sure I was succeeding.

“I think it’s kind of cool.” She turned on the faucet. “To have someone know you that well and still love you for who you are.”

God, if only she knew what secrets Duke and I shared.

While she brushed her teeth, I changed into one of Duke’s T-shirts, along with a pair of his boxers.

Waverly came out of the bathroom, her face washed and clear of makeup. She suddenly looked younger; innocent.

By the time I was done in the bathroom, Waverly was beneath the covers, her eyes closed. I turned off the light and made my way to the pull-out couch. It was a thin mattress, and I could feel the springs digging into my back, but I was grateful to have my sister next to me and that we were both safe.

I had stopped being mad at my mother years ago. Being angry wouldn’t change the truth. She was a crappy parent who put herself first and foremost as a method of survival. Sometimes things happened to people they never recovered from. Mom was one of those people.

Waverly fell asleep quickly, but I lay awake. I tried not to toss and turn so as not to disturb her, but finally, I gave up the fight. I got out of bed and quietly trekked up the stairs to the first floor of the clubhouse. The kitchen and living room lights were off, and I listened for noises coming from any of the bedrooms. There were none. Whoever was here was bedded down for the night.

The second floor was a different story. I heard the sounds of passion coming from behind the closed door of Savage’s room. I deduced that he’d called the brunette he’d met at Shelly’s before my sister had turned the night upside down.

I gently rapped on Duke’s closed door. He opened the door a crack. When he realized it was me, he quickly hauled me into his room. The lamp on the bedside table was on, and it illuminated an unscrewed bottle of Jack Daniel’s.

He closed the door.

“You’re not asking why I’m here,” I whispered.

“There’s a reason I didn’t go to bed,” he countered.

I smiled and gestured in the direction of Savage’s room. “I thought it was the moaning and grunting that kept you awake.”

“You forgot the occasional ass smacks,” he quipped.

I placed my hands over my ears. “Earmuffs.”

He chuckled. “You don’t want to hear about Savage’s sexcapades?”

“Not even a little bit.” I dropped my hands from my ears and wandered over to his bed. Without pause, I climbed into it.

Duke sauntered over, settled down next to me, and propped up against the wall. He reached for the bottle of whisky and held it out to me. I shook my head. He took a sip and then screwed on the lid before setting it down again. He shut off the lamp. Without a word, he pulled me into his arms and rolled us over so he spooned me.

After a few deep breaths, I slipped blissfully into sleep.

“Willa,” Duke whispered.

“Hmm?” I asked, keeping my eyes closed. I was in that perfect state of being awake but completely able to go back to sleep.

“It’s five in the morning,” he said. “You might want to get back downstairs before anyone realizes where you are.”

My eyes sprung open and I shot up, accidentally colliding my skull with Duke’s.

“Fuck,” he hissed.