Page 130 of Thrust & Throttle

“Push? Push what?” Zip yelled.

“The baby.” Joni took Zip’s hand and stood. “My water definitely broke.”

“You can’t give birth to the baby here,” Zip said. “We need to get you to a hospital.”

“Not gonna make it,” Joni said.

Doc shoved her flowers at Brooklyn. “Here’s what we’re going to do. Acid, run to my car and get my med bag.”

“On it,” Acid said. “Where are your keys?”

“No idea. Break a window if you have to,” Doc said. “Okay. Zip, get on Joni’s other side. We need to get her into the house.”

“Wait,” the justice of the peace said. “I haven’t announced you man and wife yet.”

“Then hurry up,” Boxer said. “I’ve got a ring to find.”

“And I’ve got a baby to deliver,” Doc said.

The justice of the peace sighed. “I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

Doc arched a brow at Boxer. “Make it snappy.”


Joni stopped mid step,clamping down on Zip’s hand. Her face contorted and her skin flushed. After a few breaths, she nodded and began walking again.

“I’ll call an ambulance,” Darcy said.

“Lily Burger and I are going to find Doc’s wedding ring,” Boxer drawled, letting go of the back of Doc’s neck.

“Do you think you can make it up the stairs?” Brooklyn asked.

“I think so,” Joni wheezed.

“Good,” Brooklyn said. “You can use our bed.” She looked over her shoulder at Slash. “We’re going to need a new mattress protector when this is over.”

Her husband shrugged.

“I’m ruining your wedding,” Joni huffed as she ambled up the aisle.

“Are you kidding? You just gave us a good story,” Doc said. “Easy, watch your step.”

“But your wedding dress!” Joni moaned. “I’m gonna get placenta all over it.”

“Ugh,” Waverly muttered. “That’s it.” She looked at me. “This wedding just got weird and gross. Can I please go hang out with Dylan?”

I smiled. “Yeah. You can go hang out with Dylan.”

“Save me a slice of cake,” Waverly said as she leaned over to grab her purse from underneath the chair. “I’m gonna chill out front and wait for him.”

“Okay, but please don’t do anything where I’m going to get a phone call,” I quipped.

“I wore the wrong shoes for a bank job,” she teased. “Bye, Duke. Don’t let my sister drink too much.”

“Roger that,” Duke said.

“Later, Punk,” Savage said to her.