Page 101 of Thrust & Throttle

“She can be late to her own brunch,” Joni said. “But we have to draw the line at her being late to her own wedding.”

“Boxer and I are already on it,” Mia said. “We’ve got a plan.”

“What’s the plan?” Darcy asked.

“The plan…is…that we won’t let her be late to her own wedding,” Mia said.

“Oh, yeah, sure. Sounds foolproof.” Joni laughed.

“We’ll call the clinic,” Darcy said. “And tell them under no circumstances are they allowed to page Doc or call her or anything.”

“Good. That’s good,” Mia said.

“We should probably take her phone the night before, too,” Joni said.

“Yes, definitely.”

“And someone should sleep over and make sure she’s not going to make a run for it,” Allison said.

“She’s not going to make a run for it,” Mia said with an eye roll. “Well, probably not.”

“I’ll stay over with her,” Darcy said. “My kids don’t need breast milk or diaper changes.”

“I like this plan,” Mia said. “Good job, team.”

“We’re getting her down that aisle,” Joni said. “She deserves her happy ending.”

“A wedding isn’t the end,” I pointed out.

“No. But it’s the symbol of the happy beginning of the next chapter,” Joni said.

“Ugh, you guys are all so happy and well sexed it makes me insane,” Brielle grumbled.

“We’re well sexed?” Darcy said with a laugh. “How can you tell?”

Brielle pointed at Joni and then across the way to Brooklyn who was still at the table adjusting place settings. “Pregnant.” Then she pointed to Mia and Allison. “New babies.”

“What about me? I don’t have new babies,” Darcy said.

“No, but the way Gray looks at you after your years together speaks volumes.”

“Well, what about Willa?” Mia asked. “She doesn’t have babies. Is she well sexed?”

Brielle looked me over. “I don’t know, but there’s something different about her.”

I raised my brows. “Something different about me?”

“Yeah.” Brielle nodded. “Your skin is glowing.” Her eyes widened. “Are you pregnant?”

“No.” I snorted. “I’m most definitely not pregnant.”

“She’s right though.” Allison leaned closer to me. “You do look different.”

“Don’t know why,” I said. “I’m not doing anything different.”

Could they hear the rapid pulse of my heartbeat as I spit up the lies? My eyes roved over the group as they scrutinized me.

But Joni…