Page 1 of Thrust & Throttle


“Hey doll, do me a favor,”Mia said as she placed three pint glasses of beer onto a serving tray. “Take these to my husband and your boys. I’m a little short-staffed tonight.”

I grabbed the tray from the counter. “No problem.”

The tiny brunette smiled gratefully, lines of exhaustion bracketing her mouth. “Thanks. I appreciate it.”

I walked through the bar, balancing the tray of drinks on one hand like a pro. It was busy due to Mia’s drink specials for the evening, and the place was packed with a wide array of customers. The Blue Angels MC often hung out at Shelly’s because Mia owned it, and was married to the club’s president, but it was in no way a biker bar.

As I approached Colt and my two best friends from childhood, I attempted to avoid collision with several patrons.

“You’re the best there ever was,” Savage quipped, a bright, infectious grin stretching across his handsome face. He raked a hand through his blond hair.

“Yeah, yeah,” I quipped. “I’m just giving Mia a hand, keeping you big, scary bikers hydrated.”

A young woman with nearly jet-black hair in five-inch stilettos and a skirt so short it showed the curves of her ass was arguing with her roided-out boyfriend a few feet away. I hadn’t noticed them until she began to get loud.

“Fuck this,asshole. You’re drunk and I’m not putting up with this. I’m out of here,” she yelled.

I turned my head just in time to see the guy she was with grab her wrist and drag her toward him. The young woman yanked her arm free. She wobbled on her heels and collided backward into me, causing me to nearly lose my hold on the tray.

“Willa.” Duke grasped my elbow to steady me. His touch caused a zing to swoosh through my belly.

“Thanks,” I said, righting the tray. Some beer had splashed over the rims of the glasses, but I managed to keep them upright. I looked up just in time to see the meathead reach for the girl’s hair.

“Enough,” Savage growled in the direction of the arguing couple. “Keep your fucking hands off her.”

“Hey, fuck you, dickwad,” the meathead snapped. “She’smyfucking girlfriend. I’ll touch her if I want.”

Savage’s blue eyes narrowed, and he looked down at the young woman who’d regained her balance. “Go on. Get out of here.”

She blinked, and as she turned to leave she shot him a flirtatious grin. “Thanks.”

“You stupid bitch,” the drunk yelled as the girl started to walk away. “You better not leave. Meet me outside.” He stepped toward her, but Savage reached a large hand out and stopped the jerk dead in his tracks, like he’d run into a brick wall.

“You want to let her go,” Savage commanded, his voice dropping.

“Shit,” Colt muttered. “Here we go.”

The roided-out guy was too drunk to be scared and slapped Savage’s hand away.

Duke quickly moved in front of me, his tall, brawny frame protecting me from the brewing altercation.

Savage’s grin was feral as he cracked his knuckles. “Oh, this is gonna be fun.”

“Tell Mia you’re sorry,” I commanded, hands on my hips.

Savage removed the towel from his fat, bleeding lip, swiveled on his bar stool and said, “I’m sorry we broke your jukebox.”

Mia stood behind the bar, icing Colt’s knuckles. She glanced at Savage and grinned at him. “You didn’t technically break it. The douche who put his hands on that girl broke it.”

“But only because Savage flipped him over and threw him onto the jukebox,” I pointed out.

“I was a valiant knight in shining armor, coming to a lady’s rescue,” Savage remarked. “Thanks for having my back, Prez. I should’ve guessed that guy had friends.”

“It’s been a while since I’ve been in a good fight,” Colt remarked.

“You’d think a brawl in a bar would be bad for business,” Mia joked. “But videos of you guys have already hit social media. I expect another rush within the hour.”