Page 115 of Bound to the Fae King

Moria shoots Sigurd a hard look. Katiya is right, and I hate it. If Sigurd pisses them off any more, they may just abort this whole venture and take me with them.

“I assume you’ve realized by now that my sister is a null,” Kallan replies, calm as ever. He’s pulled the tip of his blade from the soil, leaving it gripped loosely in one hand. “If we take Wren, you won’t be able to follow, just as you weren’t able to before.”

It’s the first time he’s said my name, and something about it leaves me unsettled.

Sigurd locks eyes with me, and I can see that he knows they’re right. He’s stuck between a rock and a hard place unless I can get free from Katiya somehow. I know what I have to do, but without some kind of distraction, it’ll be impossible. I try to relay as much without words, but I have no blasted idea if any of it is getting through.

“What do you want?” Sigurd turns his attention back to the Unseelie king.

A silent look passes between Katiya and Kallan before the king turns back to Sigurd. “You have the cauldron of Áine. We want it.”

My heart sinks. Of all the things they could ask for, this one hurts, though I shouldn’t be surprised. Of course they would want something powerful, and they already have Sigurd dancing to their tune.

“Don’t do it,” I say.

“Hush.” Katiya’s order is a hiss in my ears.

I shake my head from side to side in echo of my words. He can’t give that up. It will weaken his reign, the entire court, and I… I manage to swallow down the tightness in my throat.

I’m not worth it. One human can’t outweigh that kind of power. How could I forgive myself if he sacrificed that for me when I was the idiot who left his side and failed to mention Katiya’s presence in the first place?

“Sigurd.” Moria packs a lot in his name, her tone echoing my thoughts. They can’t do it, no matter if he wants to.

I’m still staring at him, still shaking my head, but Sigurd gives away nothing. His entire form has gone rigid, harsh, and unblinking.

Unbidden tears prick at the corner of my eyes. He’s considering it. Dang it, he really would sacrifice that for me. I can tell the moment he has his decision. Something softens in his face, and he focuses his attention back on me.

Adrenaline spikes through my veins. It can’t happen. “Don’t!”

Sigurd shifts his attention to the Unseelie king. “Duel me.”

“What?” Moria and Katiya screech at the same time.

“That wasn’t—” Kallan begins.

“Duel me,” Sigurd commands again, letting his wings vanish into nothingness. “The winner gets their desired prize.”

“And the loser?” The Unseelie king adjusts his grip on the blade, hoisting it in front of him.

Sigurd’s slow, vicious smile sends gooseflesh rising on my skin.

“No. You can’t!” I shake my head, but no one is looking at me anymore.

“One on one. No interference or it’s null,” Sigurd continues, pulling free his own blade.

Shit. No! This is happening, and it’s wrong, so wrong.

“Fine,” the Unseelie king replies, with a look at Katiya.

I feel the shiver of rage vibrate through her. Sharp nails dig into my arm, nearly drawing blood. She hates this as much as I do.

“You risk much, Air King,” he taunts.

“A worthy risk for my court.” He glances over one shoulder then back at me. “For the woman I love.”

The confession breaks my heart, sending the tears I tried so hard to hold back sliding down my cheeks. Stupid, glorious fool.

Katiya pulls me back toward the Unseelie, and though I try to jerk away, her hold is far too firm to budge. Moria moves to join her warriors, and just like that, the two kings are left alone to fight for the fate of their courts.