Page 105 of Bound to the Fae King

“More than,” I promise.

“Would you like to see it?” His brows lift.

At my nod, he gently disentangles us and sits on the bed, helping me to do the same.

I’m not even fully upright before the sight of it snares my full attention, but the mark I see is on him, not me. Hesitantly, I reach out tracing my fingers over the soaring eagle emblazoned on his hip. It’s stunning—a work of art that even the most renowned tattoo artist would be proud of.

“You have one too,” he says.

His touch on my hip draws my eye to the matching mark on my skin, just as beautiful and perfect as his. It’s right where I felt the cool tingle moments ago. It must have been the magic of the thing settling into place upon my skin.

“What do you think?” His look is suddenly guarded, his body rigid, as if I might declare it a disaster. This matters to him, more than just sex and a night of pleasure. Something about this means the world.

I smile. “It’s perfect.”

“You don’t regret this tie to me?”

I cross the space between us and place a gentle kiss on his lips. “Never.”

“Good.” He pulls me into his arms and back down onto the bed.

It’d be so easy to close my eyes and fall asleep in the safety of his arms but not yet.

“Maybe we should return to the bath?” I suggest, if only to clean up.

Sigurd cups my backside, pulling me tight against him so I feel his length start to harden once more. “Soon, but not yet.”

I raise my brows and give him a meaningful look. “You really are quite powerful, aren’t you?”

His chest rumbles with laughter. “And yours, Wren. All yours.”

Chapter 36

I’vestartedtodriftoff a few times, but something always jolts me awake. My body is still filled with languid contentment from making love to Sigurd…more than once. His arm around me has me feeling as safe and cherished as I ever have. In fact, a large part of me never wants this moment to end.

But that’s not the thought that keeps creeping in and waking me up.

I have to leave soon. Every moment I delay is another that Gran is without me, and a large part of me is terrified of what I’ll find when I return. She probably thinks I’m dead or kidnapped or something—that’s assuming this whole thing didn’t give her a heart attack, leaving her in the hospital or worse. It’s a possibility, and just the thought of it makes me ill enough not to be able to enjoy the afterglow of this night the way I should.

Carefully, as not to disturb the sleeping fae king, I slide out from under his arm and across the sheets. He’s peaceful in sleep, chest rising and falling in an even rhythm. The hint of a smile lingers on his kiss-flushed lips, and his dark hair is tousled on the pillow. The sight stirs up desire deep within my core, and I nearly wake him up to resume our previous activities.

But even kings need to rest.

I’m tired too. I can feel it in my body urging me to slip back down into the sheets and curl up against Sigurd’s chest, but my mind simply won’t be quiet yet.

I don my clothes, pull back my still-damp hair, and slip out of the tent into the night. Immediately, sound hits me. It was quiet within, but outside, the party carries on late into the night with plenty of laughter, conversation, and music still filling the air. Sigurd wasn’t kidding about the soundproofing magic. A darn good thing too after everything we did in there. My cheeks flush a little warmer against the cool night air.

Guards linger nearby, no doubt keeping a close watch on their king. They eye me with interest, their focus glued to every step I take.

“Lady Wren.” One steps forward into my path and gives a slight bow. “How may we assist you?”

The formality of it all has me shifting in my boots and standing a little straighter. The guards haven’t been so focused on me the whole time I’ve been here, but then, I was always in a game or with a member of royalty. Not to mention, that was before I won the games or bore their king’s mark. My face heats as I remember the symbol now emblazoned on my hip, one he said fae would feel, even if they could not see it.

“I just wanted some air for a moment.”Alone.If these guys insist on trailing beside me the whole time, there’s no way I’m going to be able to sort myself out.

He nods, seeming to understand. “An audience was requested with you, but we said you were not to be disturbed. However, they chose to wait, if you’d see them?”

Who? My brows knit together. I half expect Uncle Mark or even Moria, but that’s not who I spy sitting on a bench some yards away when the guard moves to the side and gestures in his direction.