But the roars and screeches coming from beyond the walls say much—we won’t be alone in there. I scan the crowd as they point out various things to one another, viewing the bits of the course they can see.

The only thing I’m grateful for is that I can’t spot Sigurd in the crowd, wherever he is.

He’s here. He has to be, I think.

But worse, I can almost feel his presence in my bones, not to mention the lack of a pull on the tattoo around my wrist.

You really are nothing like her.His words cut at me over and over.

Nothing like the woman he loved. I rub at my chest.

Fine. Whatever. My heel grinds into the dirt. It makes things simpler. Win the competition. Leave this place and him behind.

My stomach turns over as I think about Uncle Mark and losing him again, but at least I know why he left us and that he’s happy. Maybe, just maybe, I can see him again. Maybe even bring my cousins to visit…if they can see fae.

Another roar rises from the crowd as something hard crashes within the maze.

I swallow. Before I can even think about home and what I’ll do once I leave here, I have to make it through this game.

The outfit Moria selected makes sense. Easy to move in, possibly offering some camouflage in shadow, and no loose bits to get stuck anywhere. The only piece of jewelry is my necklace, tucked down inside my shirt. I don’t have to worry about Sigurd’s bond showing either, with the long, tight sleeves. The hidden knives are a nice perk, but the gnawing pit within me knows they won’t be enough, not on my own.

“Hey there.” I saunter up to Galen, where we all wait in a holding area of sorts, giving him my best smile.

“Wren.” His brows rise as he takes in my outfit, giving me an appreciative nod.

“Allies?” I hold my breath, waiting for an answer.

He shifts on his feet. “This game, this challenge…”

“Look, I know we’re not finding flowers, but I’m more determined than a hound dog at a hunt. You can’t doubt that.”

Galen rubs the back of his neck. “I don’t doubt it.”

“But?” My fists tighten, and I hide them behind my back.

He glances at the maze with its towering stone walls and half-dozen entrances and then back to me. “You’re human.”

He might as well have said I’m weak. A liability. No help to anyone.

Fine. Time to play my hidden ace.

“Yes.” I slide near him, so close we’re nearly touching, and whisper, “A human who has the favor of the king. You said so yourself, right?” I may not have Sigurd’s favor anymore, not after last night, but Galen doesn’t need to know that. As he said, I’m a human, and I can lie. I’ll use every tool in my box if I have to. “I believe I can get the king to release you from your oaths.”

His eyes widen.

I seize the chance to drive my arrow home. “If you help me. Think of it as an insurance policy.”


I wave my hand. “Even if you lose, I can get you what you want.” My grin seals the promise.

“How can you be sure?”

I stare up at him from lowered lashes. “I look like his long-lost love. She won’t be coming back, but I can be a convenient replacement.” My stomach leaps into my throat just saying it, but I force the horror from my eyes and keep the confidence in my smile. “He’s quite interested. If you know his scent, surely you smell him on me.”

Good golly, the words coming out of my mouth. But I need this. I need his help. I even skipped a bath to make sure some of Sigurd’s scent clung to my skin. If fae sense of smell is as good as Uncle Mark says and Galen knows him as well as I think he might, it should help my words ring true.

I may not be fae, but I have the determination of ten of them. Always have. Something gets on my list to do, I get it done. No excuses. No failure. There’s no room to fail when your family depends on you bringing home the bacon and helping them get out of bed each day.