She shakes her head ever so slightly as a few stray tears stream down her cheeks, “No,” she whispers, her hands shaking against her thighs.

“Okay,” I murmur before glancing across at her. “I’m going to call the police the moment we get to the hospital. They’re going to ask you some questions.”

She closes her eyes but nods her head. “How’d you find me?”

I give her a tight smile knowing that any other day, what I’m about to tell her would infuriate her. Today is different. She’ll be thankful for her brothers’ overprotective qualities. “Uhh, your brothers put a GPS tracker on your phone after you went to New York,” I explain. “I called Logan, and he was able to tell me where to find you.”

She gives me a half smile as she lets out a breath. “I should have known.”

I look her over, and she seems to be doing a little better. There’s a little more color in her face and relief in her eyes. She still has a million miles to go before she’s her normal self, but at least it’s a start.

“You’re really okay?” I ask.

She looks up and reaches across the console to lace her fingers through mine, and I grip onto her like she’s my only lifeline. “I will be,” she tells me, barely able to meet my eyes. “Thank you for coming for me.”

Lifting her hand to my lips, I press a soft kiss against her skin. “Always.”

We pull up to the hospital, and I quickly park and get out before rushing around to Cassie’s side and helping her out. I take her inside and explain exactly what’s happened, and Cass is immediately taken into a room and told to wait while they call a doctor to come and examine her. They warn Cass that they’re required to call the police, and I let them know not to bother as I already have the phone ringing against my ear.

Stepping out into the hallway, I stay where Cass can see me and speak to the cops, even though I’m positive the nurse is doing the same thing. I let them know the address of where I found her and I’m told they will send a few officers out there to investigate, while some will be sent to meet with Cass and take our statements.

As soon as I end the call, I find Sean’s number and give him the heads up that the cops are on their way. Hearing my call, Cass yells out to me, and I stride back into the room when she indicates to pass the phone.

After handing the phone over, she wastes no time. “That . . . that asshole has my phone with all my music on it,” she says. Sean must reply as she continues. “Good, now get your asses out of there. I’m not leaving here only to have to stop by the station to bail you fuckers out.”

I hear strained laughter coming through the phone, and I know Sean is putting it on just to reassure Cass, but who gives a fuck? Whatever Cass needs right now, she’s going to get it. She ends the call and hands me the phone as I take a seat beside her bed.

We sit in silence, waiting for the doctor when she sucks in a breath and looks at me. “Your game,” she says, horrified.

Shit. I’d completely forgotten about that.

“Don’t worry about it,” I tell her. “Coach was fine. He allowed me to go. I would’ve come anyway. Nothing would have stopped me. I should probably call him to let him know what’s going on.”

She nods, and I get up once again, hating the idea of being apart from her. As I go to walk away, she grabs hold of my hand, pulling me back. “Don’t . . . don’t give him too many details,” she whispers.

“Of course,” I say with a nod, holding her broken stare. After a short pause, she lets me go, and I head back into the hallway, already dialing Coach Harris’ number. He rarely has his phone on during a game, but I know he would have it on today, waiting to hear from me.

“You far off? The boys need you,” Coach questions as he answers the phone, the noise of the game in the background making it nearly impossible to hear.

“Sorry, Coach,” I say with heavy regret, hating the idea of letting my team down. “I won’t be making it tonight.”

“Your woman okay?”

There’s a short pause as I try to calm myself. “She will be. We’re at the hospital now, just waiting on the cops.”

“Shit,” he curses. “Is it that bad?”

“Yeah, Coach,” I tell him, giving it to him straight. “It’s worse.”

“Alright, son. Good call. Go be with your girl,” he says as the crowd goes nuts and drowns him out. He hangs up quickly, and I hope that was for a good reason and not a bad one. The thought is gone from my mind as soon as I see the nurse from earlier escorting two chick cops down the hallway, and I’m thankful they’re women. I have no idea how Cass is going to handle strange men right now.