I lay before him, naked and vulnerable, tears in my eyes, wishing it was already over. A small amount of relief pulses through me as he folds the blade back into the hilt and tucks the damn thing in his back pocket.

His hand comes up to my chest and he takes my breast in his palm, giving it a painful squeeze before rubbing my nipple between his fingers. His touch makes me choke on my own vomit. His other hand skims down my stomach and over my bloodied tattoo. Pain rips through me, but it’s quickly forgotten as he continues on down past my hips and between my legs.

No, no, no.

His hand becomes wet with my blood, but the feeling only spurs him on as he cups my pussy, grinding down against my clit with the heel of his palm. “You like that, don’t you?” he grins at me as he forces his fingers between my folds and presses down, pinching my clit with all he’s got. “Fuck, yeah,” he groans, continuing to rub my nipple as he painfully explores my clit. “I’m so fucking hard.”

He suddenly lets go and stands beside me, his hands going to his jeans as he makes quick work of removing his clothes.

He palms his pathetic excuse of a dick, rubbing the blood from my wound into his skin, and I realize the sick fuck is using my blood as lube. His hand comes down between my legs again, though this time he bypasses my clit and heads straight for my cunt.

His fingers dive in painfully, and I cry out. “Yeah, I knew you’d like that, you fucking slut,” he says as he continues to palm his dick and thrust his dirty fingers into me. He smirks as he steps further up the bed, and I know without a doubt that he’s about to force his cock into my mouth.

A loud banging comes from the house above and has the creep freezing before ripping his fingers from my cunt. “Fuck,” he spits, pulling his jeans on. “Don’t say a fucking word.”

My heart pounds, watching as he races up the stairs two at a time before closing the door behind him. There’s a distinct lock before I hear him rushing through the house.

The banging on the front door intensifies, and I realize it sounds more like someone trying to break the door down.

I fucking hope so.

I listen out desperately, trying to hear voices or some kind of evidence that someone is here to get me, when I hear the familiar sound of wood splintering and feet rushing across the floor. There’s another loud bang—different from the earlier one—before I hear his angelic growl. “Where the fuck is she?” Jax roars.

Hope blooms in my chest, and I scream out over and over again. “HELP! JAX! I’m here,” I cry, the desperation crippling me. “In the basement. Please.”

The sound of something—or someone—dropping to the ground rattles the wooden beams overhead, and a moment later, the basement door is kicked in.

Light shines into the darkness, and I have to squint my eyes as the figure stands at the top of the stairs. My eyes quickly adjust, and I crumble.

Tears spring from my eyes.

My badass hero.

Chapter 22


Kicking in the basement door, I peer into the darkness, and it takes all of two seconds for my eyes to adjust and find my girl. My blood boils from the sight. Her naked, limp body is tied down to a bed, and she’s covered in blood from the waist down.

She whimpers when she sees me at the top of the stairs, and it quickly turns into full-blown sobbing. I rush toward her, but I’m afraid to touch her. My heart shatters at the sight, but I know she’s hurting so much more.

I drop to my knees beside her, reaching for her wrists. “Are you okay?” I rush out, trying to soothe her, while also trying not to break. My gaze sails over her body, trying to find where the blood is coming from, and I find the deep gashes across her tattoo.

The blood has been smeared across her body and down between her legs. Rage burns through me, and I’m barely able to keep myself beside her as the need to race back up those stairs and kill the motherfucker rages through me. The only thing keeping me here is the knowledge of just how badly she needs me.

I force my eyes to continue their inspection. Her right breast is red and raw, her face appears to be hit, and there’s a massive lump on her temple. My teeth grind in fury.

How the fuck dare he?

Gently running my hand over her hair, I furiously look around the room for something to free her binds. “He touched you?” I ask, even though I already know the answer.