He growls in frustration, and it’s then I realize that he’s here to have another crack at Cass. The thought alone has my knee coming up and nailing him in the guts once again.

“She’s fucking mine,” he spits as he straightens himself out and tries to come at me again, but the guy is too winded. I catch him by the neck of his shirt and pull him up to my height.

“I’ve fucking warned you once already,” I snarl. “Don’t make me do it again.”

The asshole scoffs at my warning, and I let go of his shirt. He drops to his feet as my fist hurtles toward his temple. When it slams against his head, he drops to the ground like a sack of shit.

Anger pulses through my veins with a desperate need to get Cass back in my arms where I know she’ll be safe, but as I go to turn back to Micky’s, I hear someone behind me.

“Dude,” a voice sounds through the alley, “I didn’t realize you had it in you.” I turn to find Xander behind me, looking over the guy and taking in his injuries. “Everything good here?”

“Yeah, man,” I say, stepping away from the guy. “Just had a little misunderstanding is all.”

He lets out a small scoff. “Right,” he says before searching the alley and finding his wallet laying on the ground. “Thanks for this,” he says, holding up the wallet and disappearing at a jog.

The side door flies open and Shorty barges out with a chick in his arms. He looks at me with a grin before noticing the unconscious guy on the ground. “The fuck happened here?” he questions.

“The same dickhead I knocked out last time came back for round two.”

“Shit,” he grunts before turning his attention to the chick who’s trying to slide her thong down her legs. He looks back to me. “You done with the alley, man?”

“You know, it’s a lot more hygienic in a bed,” I remind him.

He shrugs once again. “Nah, this’ll be too quick to worry about finding a bed.”

I roll my eyes and glance back at the guy, making sure he’s well and truly out before I leave. I head on through the side door, and my eyes immediately search out Cass. She’s still on the dance floor, and relief pulses through me as I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her body. “Are you ready to go, babe?”

She turns in my arms and her eyes widen in shock. “What happened?” she gasps, gaining Brianna’s attention and a few of the guys. Cassie’s hand lifts to my face, and I try my hardest not to shrink away from her touch because, let’s be honest, it fucking hurts.

“Nothing,” I tell her. “Just some dickhead wanting to settle an old score.”

She presses her lips together, and I see the look in her eyes. I know she’s not convinced by my casual attitude, but there’s no way in hell I’m telling her who the guy was. It would freak her out knowing he was here, though I’m pretty sure my warning was enough this time. There’s no way this dickhead would try for a third round. Not if he values his life.

“Seriously, Cass. It’s okay,” I tell her.

She pulls me into her arms and holds me tight. “Are you okay?” she murmurs just for me to hear.

I look into her eyes and see nothing but concern. “Yeah, babe. I’m fine.”

She presses her lips together once more as she considers my answer, then she takes my hand and leads me to the bar. She orders a bottle of water and waves goodbye to Brianna, who confirms Bobby will take her home.

We get out into the street and she hands me the water. “Umm, thanks?” I say as my eyes discreetly move up and down the road and alleys.

She rolls her eyes but grins at me anyway. “It’s not for you to drink, you moron. It’s cold. It’s to soothe your face and stop the swelling. And besides, you wouldn’t want everyone thinking your girlfriend beat you up. I think that would damage your street cred.”

I scoff, but can’t help smirking at the little she-devil. “First of all, I highly doubt anyone would think someone as . . . petite as you would be capable of beating on me. And secondly, if anyone asks, I’d just say it happened in bed. They’ll assume we play rough, and I’ll still come out the hero. Winners all around.”

“I hardly see how I come out a winner in that situation.”

“Babe,” I grin. “I’m a fucking beast in bed, everybody knows it. I have a whole reputation built around it. So basically, as long as everyone knows you’re the one I’m fucking, then they all know you’re getting your world thoroughly rocked each and every night, which you are,” I explain with a wink. “Therefore, you’re a winner.”