With that, we quickly finish showering before Jax turns off the taps, wraps me in a towel, and leads me to my bed.

When six in the morning rolls around, our alarms go off at the same time, and I groan as I try to get out of bed. “Stay,” Jax mumbles as he puts his arm around my waist and pulls me against him until I can feel his erection poking me in my ass.

“Mmm,” I moan, rubbing against him and closing my eyes.

Jax’s hand snakes down my body and slips inside my sleep shorts right as a loud knock rattles the doorframe. “Get your ass out here, Cassandra Waters. We made a pact,” Bri yells as lively as ever. “Jax will have to deal with little Jax himself.”

“Will she eventually go away?” Jax asks, pushing his fingers deep inside me.

“No way in hell,” I laugh as I turn to face him with a grin, his fingers sliding out of me. “Raincheck? Besides, the boys will bust your ass if you’re late.”

He ignores me as he begins to nuzzle my neck, but when the door flies open and a determined Brianna comes storming in, she yanks the blankets off us and grabs my ankle. She gives a massive tug and pulls me straight off the edge of the bed.

“Oomph,” I grunt as my ass connects with the hard wooden floors.

“Oh, great,” Bri exclaims, clapping her hands together with fake enthusiasm. “You’re up.”

“Damn it,” I mutter, getting up off the floor and starting to look for my workout clothes. Jax reluctantly does the same, searching for his things. He bends to grab his shirt, and his muscles roll then flex as he pulls the shirt over his head to cover that glorious, sculptured body.

“Wow,” Bri mutters next to me, both of us gaping at the sight.

“Yeah,” I whisper back to her. “You sure we have to run? I could get a better workout right here.”

Jax stiffens and turns to see what’s caught our attention, giving us both a view of the front as his shirt falls into place. He smirks, immediately knowing what’s up. With a wink, he grabs his keys off the bedside table, kisses my cheek, and struts out of my room. But his ego isn’t the only thing inflated.

Bri and I cool off and eventually manage to make our way out the door for our morning run, and as much as I hate it, my persistence is starting to show. My legs feel stronger, and my fitness levels are better than they’ve ever been.

We return an hour later and get ourselves breakfast. Brianna starts to play with my recording stuff after we’ve finished stuffing our faces, so I show her how some of it works since neither of us needs to be in class until after lunch.

It doesn’t take long for Bri to convince me to record a cover, so I grab my laptop and search the music for Taylor Swift’s Red and immediately get in the zone. Bri sets up the camera, and I move in front of my microphone to get started.

“Hi, guys,” I say into the camera. “Sorry for disappearing on you. I was taking a little break, but as my asshole brothers and friends have given me no choice, I’m back. Hope you like it.”

I turn back to the microphone and hit play on the music.

Fifteen minutes later, I’m showing Bri all the ins and outs of how to edit and post the video to my YouTube page. Another ten minutes later, the notifications start rolling in.

“Holy shit. People really love you,” Brianna grins as she scrolls through the comments. “Why don’t you post an original song?”

My stomach drops, and my eyes widen. “Umm, nah,” I say with a shake of my head. “Too soon. Besides, all my latest stuff is kind of depressing.”

“Well, are you happy now?” she asks.

“Yes . . .” I grin, knowing where she’s going with this.

“Good, so we throw out your old stuff and get started on the new.”

“What? Throw it out?” I shriek, horrified by the suggestion. “What kind of monster are you? I couldn’t part with it. I mean, it’s still good stuff, just not the kind of stuff I want to sing about or record.”

“Righteo,” she chuckles. “Then why don’t you add that last notebook to the pile you probably have collecting dust under your bed and start a fresh one?”

I roll my eyes. “It’s in my closet actually.”

A text comes through to my phone, and I recognize the old number like the back of my hand. It’s probably time to program him back into my contact list.

Jax - Nice song selection.

A chuckle rips through me, and I roll my eyes as I hit reply.

Cass - Yeah, just something that came to me. I didn’t really put too much thought into it.