Grabbing her by the waist, I spin her around and she lets out an aroused moan. I walk us back toward the foot of my bed before pushing her down on my mattress. She scrambles to her knees, her ass high in the air, determined to get the railing of her life.

The girl looks back over her shoulder, watching me intently as my hand presses down on her back, forcing her to drop her chest to the mattress, her already wet pussy perfectly on display.

“Is this what you want?” I ask, slowly running my hand up the back of her thigh and narrowly missing her center. “You want to be a fucking whore for me?”

“Yes,” she whimpers into the sheets, her hands balling into fists, anticipating what I might do next. “God, yes.”

I slide my hand over her ass, getting a good look in the process. “Is this where you want it?”

“Yes,” she breathes, pushing her ass back into my hands.

Mmm, fucking tempting. “Right here? Hard? Fast?”

“God, Jaxon. Yes,” she groans, rotating her hips as if to entice me more. “Give it to me.”

“You know what I want, babe?” I murmur.

“What?” she whimpers. “I’ll do anything.”

“I want you,” I start slowly, “to get the fuck out of my room like I asked you to five minutes ago.” She gasps but I continue on. “Thanks for the offer, babe. But now you’ve made me late for my boys.”

I grab my running shorts and shoes while the girl watches me in shock, and not bothering with a shirt, I head straight for the door. Let’s face it, it’s only going to end up tucked into my shorts by the end of my run. “You better be gone by the time I’m back,” I call over my shoulder as the door closes behind me.

The girl lets out a frustrated cry before screaming out what a jerk move that was. And yeah, she has a point, but all the chicks around here know my deal. And if they don’t, that’s not my problem. But I’ll repeat it for those who don’t understand. I, Jaxon Payne, do not do repeat performances.

At least, not anymore. I’ve only ever allowed one chick in, and I ended up shattered. Joke’s on me, but there’s one thing I can count on—I will never let it happen again.

After quickly changing in the bathroom and taking care of business, I rush down the stairs before slipping out the front door to meet my boys at the track.

“Woah, Captain. Have a sleep-in, did ya?” Bobby teases the second I come into view, glancing at his bare wrist and making a show of checking the time.

“You fucking wish,” I grin as I jog to meet up with them.

“Where you been then?” Xander, our newest recruit, asks.

“Fucking chicks, man,” I tell him. “They just don’t get it. I’m here for a good time, not a long time.”

“Damn straight,” he murmurs and holds out his fist. “Hit it and quit it.”

“Fuck, yeah,” I laugh as I bump his fist. “Eat it and beat it,”

I chuckle as I take off, leading the group in our daily morning run. The boys laugh along as they fall in behind me. “Hump it and dump it,” Aaron adds, turning this from a passing comment into the shit show of the century, each of them now wanting to put in their two cents.

“Nail and bail,” the new sophomore calls out.

And so it begins. Player after hockey player adds their own saying, trying to outdo the guy before. But let’s face it, they’re no match for me.

“Fuck it and chuck it,” someone in the back says.

Xander laughs behind me. “Hit the crack and don’t look back.”

“Blow your load and hit the road,” comes from Shorty, which I must admit, has me holding back a grin.

“Please,” Bobby scoffs. “You’re all fucking amateurs.”

“This is going to be good,” I laugh to myself.

Unable to help himself, the grin cracks across his face before he’s even started. “Ejaculate and evacuate,” he announces proudly, making the boys double over in laughter and crown him the king.

Needing the boys to get back on task and concentrate on their run, I take off a little faster, knowing without a doubt they’ll do everything to keep up. Without fail, each of them zips their lips and gets serious about training.

We loop around campus twice before stopping back at the track and getting started on some drills for agility and speed. Anything to help us take out the championship once again. We run sprints and work on footwork before looping around campus and finishing where we started, giving us each enough time to head home, grab breakfast, and have a shower before our morning classes. And then we’ll finally get our first on-ice practice for the season.

I can’t fucking wait.

I get home and rush through breakfast before dashing up to my room, all too pleased to find the chick from this morning has disappeared. I walk in and kick off my shoes, only to notice my phone sitting neatly in the center of the made bed.