I lift the bottle of vodka to my lips and take a deep pull before turning to the man behind the counter. “Let’s do this shit.”

Chapter 16


I walk up the driveway I have recently become very familiar with, and raise my hand to knock on the door when I see two faces peering out the curtains, watching me. One filled with lust and the other with absolute devastation.

Rather than knock, I push through the door and stand in the hallway. I narrow my gaze at them as I try to figure out what the hell they’re up to. Cassie and Brianna kneel under the window with their heads turned in my direction, and I raise a questioning brow and watch as they fall into uncontrollable fits of laughter.

Glancing around the room, I find an almost finished bottle of vodka and it clicks. These chicks are wasted. As they roll around on the floor trying to contain themselves, I scoop up the bottle and head into the kitchen to put it on the highest shelf of the cupboard, knowing it would be too much effort for these idiots to bother getting it back down.

I smirk to myself before heading back into the living room, finding the girls have finally recovered and are now scowling at me with their hands on their hips. “Excuse you, Mr. Big Shot Hockey Guy,” Cass starts off, pointing her finger at me. “Where the hell do you get off waltzing in here, disturbing our afternoon, and taking our alcohol away?”

“And where the hell is my pizza?” Brianna asks as her eyes narrow in on me. Well, at least that explains her look of devastation when I arrived.

“I assume you’re here to try and get me on my back?” Cass continues with attitude before wagging her finger in my face. “But don’t even think about it, Mister. I’m not one of your little hussies who’s going to open my legs at your say so.”

“That’s right, sister.” Bri adds, “You tell him.” They give each other a sideways glance before lifting their hands in a very sloppy high-five.

Jesus Christ. Save me.

I focus all my attention on my girl. “Cassandra Waters, shut the fuck up,” I demand, waiting for her attention to fall back to me. “First of all, I’m here to ask if you wanted to go to dinner with me, but apparently you’re a little too tanked, and secondly,” I say, annoyed that I’m having to even say this. “If you happen to end up on your back at the end of the night then that’s a win for both of us. And for your information, I damn well know you’re not some cheap hussy. I would never treat you that way. I haven’t been with anyone else since the day I saw you in that damn class. You’re in my head, Cass. The same way you used to be.”

She gives me a dreamy smile with glassy eyes and starts to say something when Brianna cuts her off. “Aww,” she says, looking just as dreamy as Cass does. “He loves you.”

I roll my eyes, ignoring Brianna, because let’s face it, both Cass and I know I never stopped loving her. Admitting it out loud is the problem. I turn back to Cass who takes a step in my direction. “You want to take me to dinner?” she questions, excitement shining in those beautiful brown eyes.

“Can you sober up enough to remember it tomorrow?”

“I think I can manage that,” she tells me.

I give her a grin. “Can I treat you like a filthy little whore after?”

She bites her bottom lip as her eyes fill with lust. “Only if it’s hard and fast and ends with me screaming your name.”

And that right there is why this woman drives me insane. I stare right back at her while my mind fills with all the things I want to do to her, but Bri’s whining pulls me away. “Oh my God, would you two stop? I mean, unless you’re planning on including me, then this is just mean.”

My eyes flick to Brianna because well, I’m a man, and she mentioned a threesome. I raise my brow in question. I mean, only if Cass was down for it. But then, I’m not sure I like the idea of sharing my girl.

“Ugh,” Cass complains. I’m pretty sure she even stomps her foot. “I know you two are sort of the king and queen of threesomes around here. But I don’t share.”

I walk right up into her personal space and whisper in her ear. “You will never have to share me.”

Her eyes immediately whip up to meet mine, and I see a million questions behind those beautiful eyes, but I don’t give her a chance to voice them. “Go get dressed,” I tell her, sending her on her way with a firm spank to that perfectly plump ass before dropping into the couch and flicking on ESPN.