With a sigh, I grab my things and jam them into my hockey bag before searching my locker for my phone. Glancing down at the screen, I scoff at the missed call from my dad, knowing he would be questioning me about taking that shit from my old room. I swipe the notification away and bury my phone in my pocket. I don’t have time for his shit. I have much better things to be doing right now, and they all involve sliding into my girl and hearing the way she screams my name when she comes.

Chapter 15


Brianna and I sit in the living room after a long Monday, me with my notebook scrawling out lyrics, while Bri scrolls through social media, searching for anything worthy of her attention.

I scan over the last few pages of lyrics I’ve written, making a mental note to stop throwing my bag around so much. The pages look worn, some even a little ripped, which has my brows furrowing. I’ve always thrown my bag around with my notebooks in it and they’ve never quite looked like this. It’s almost like someone’s been smashing my notepad against the side of the house.

Putting it to the back of my mind, I continue scanning the lyrics and notice a change in my writing between now and New York. It almost seems lighter in a way, much like it was before I left for New York. I flick back a few more pages and compare the differences. It’s soothing, still full of darkness, but there’s a healthier contrast. A light at the end of the tunnel.

The moment I left for New York, my lyrics were all about heartbreak, but then my parents died and a dark depression slipped into it. I feel as though being home has begun to heal me, cleanse me from within, and I know exactly how that happened.

Brianna starts spilling out the latest gossip about who knows what while trying to talk over the sound of the TV, which neither of us is paying attention to. There’s a knock at the door, and we look at each other with confusion lacing our features.

“You invite anyone over?” I ask.

She shakes her head, giving a very unladylike shrug. Though, ladylike is not something Brianna has ever claimed to be.

“So I’m assuming I have to answer it?” I grumble as I get up from the comfort of my couch.

“Yuuup,” she sings as her attention falls back to her phone.

I trudge to the door and open it to find a very handsome man standing at my door with a pizza. How very romantic. “Are you lost?” I smirk as I position myself in front of the door and lean against the frame to block his entry.

The sight of him standing at my door has my heart warming, especially the fact that he feels he can just come and drop by unannounced like he used to. Like he feels he belongs here.

“Not me,” he replies with a twinkle in his blue eyes.

I stare at him, trying to keep a straight face. “What are you doing here, Jax?” I question, though the intrigued tone of my voice is a dead giveaway.

He shrugs his shoulders. “You know,” he says as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. “I was in the neighborhood.”

“Right,” I reply, leaning against the doorframe so I can cross my arms over my chest. I watch as his eyes dart to my now pushed-up cleavage and grin as his eyes heat with excitement. “You just happened to have a pizza on standby in your truck?”

“Your mom would have been the first to bitch me out had I shown up empty-handed,” he explains.

“Very true,” I smile, thinking of all the times Mom had done just that. “I thought you were on a strict diet for hockey?”

“I am,” he says. “This is for you.”

I eye the pizza and take a deep breath, taking in the heavenly aroma, just knowing he would have bought me pepperoni. “And what are you going to eat?”

He lets out the smallest chuckle as he steps into my space, a seductive smirk crossing his features as the twinkle in his eye returns. He slides an arm around my waist and pulls me into him, sending a surge of electricity pulsing through my body. I lick my lips and my bottom lip disappears between my teeth. I’m practically panting before he’s even spoken. “You.”

Jax’s eyes darken as my body reacts to him. I feel him hardening as I press myself against him, trying to relieve the ache he’s managed to cause in the last thirty seconds. He pushes me through the door and drops the pizza on the floor before crushing his lips against mine.

I moan into his mouth as he takes me by the ass and lifts me into his strong arms before striding to my room. I distantly hear the door slam and realize we must have left it open. Either that or Bri has stolen my pizza and made a run for it. Actually, on second thought, there’s no way I’m leaving this room to find even a slice of pizza left.