Bobby is staring down at his phone when his head suddenly snaps up to me. “Wait . . . your brother, Logan?” he questions as his eyes widen in excitement. “He’s not Logan Waters? As in NHL, Colorado Thunder, pro hockey player Logan Waters?”

“Ahh . . . yeah,” I confirm as that sinking feeling gets worse. “You know hockey?”

“Yeah, you could say that,” he scoffs, raising his eyebrow at me as if I should know who he is.

Brianna rolls her eyes at her brother. “My twin brother here is on the college hockey team, the Denver Dragons,” she explains. “He considers himself to be top shit. Though personally, I think his ego is slightly getting in the way.”

“Whatever,” he scoffs, walking forward and knocking his sister in the arm. “Jax and I are gonna be campus legends this year. Especially when we bring home that championship.”

My whole world crumbles in on itself at the mention of his name. How the hell did I get into this situation? “You know Jaxon?” I ask as my heart rate picks up and my hands begin to sweat, unease rocking through me.

“Yeah,” he responds, looking me over with narrowed, curious eyes. “My best friend and team captain. Why? Are you one of his many conquests?” he asks with a knowing wink and cheesy grin.

Oh, no, no, no. The one person I need to avoid this year, and I’ve just moved in with his best friend’s twin sister. Great move, Cass.

“Ahhh, something like that,” I respond, glancing away before he catches the fear in my eyes. “He’s someone from my past, and I’d love it if he could stay there.”

“No worries, babe,” Bobby laughs. “Jax doesn’t make a habit of repeat performances. I think you’re good,” he says, not realizing how his casual comments about Jax’s sex life tears my heart to absolute shreds. He pokes around in the fridge and pulls out a Gatorade before grabbing a hockey bag from the counter. “Anyway, I’m out of here. Got to hit the gym. Nice meeting you, Cass. Let me know if you need anything.”

“Uhh, thanks,” I smile as he makes his way to the door. “Oh, hey,” I call after him. “Can you not mention any of this to Jax?”

“Sure,” he laughs, then makes a cross over his chest like a fifth grader. “Your secret is safe with me.” Then just like that, Bobby disappears through the front door and lets it slam closed behind him.

“Right,” Brianna starts as she grabs my nearly empty glass of wine and heads into the kitchen for a refill. “I know I just met you, but I saw the pain behind your eyes when Bobby was talking about Jax,” she says as she hands me back my glass. “I know there’s a heartbroken story there, and I have a feeling you’re in need of a good vent.”

“I swear, you must be my soul sister,” I laugh.

“Good,” she smiles, “Plonk your ass down on that couch. I’ll order Chinese, and once you’re finished spilling the beans on Jaxon, you can tell me all about Carter, and I can steal his number from your phone.”

“Oh, Jesus,” I groan. “I’m going to freaking love you.”

Chapter 2


My alarm screeches on the bedside table, and I sit up with a groan as I fumble around in the dark, trying to shut the damn thing off.

“Mmm, what time is it?” a feminine voice grumbles beside me.

My head whips in the direction of the chick beside me, my eyes straining to see in the early morning darkness, but there it is. A butt-naked silhouette of the girl I fucked last night.

Goddamn it. They should know the routine by now.

They strip, they get the screw of their life, they get their bragging rights, and then they get the fuck out. They don’t get to sleep in my bed and cuddle in the middle of the night. That isn’t me. There’s no deviating from the plan. Well, on second thought, I may have strayed from the plan a few times, but only because I passed out and had no say in the matter. Which is clearly what happened last night.

“Hey,” I call to the girl and give her a nudge. “Time to go, honey.”

“What?” she moans, rolling over and giving me a nice view of her full tits. “It’s the middle of the night.”

“So? I got shit to do,” I say, throwing my blankets back and getting up. I move around my room in the dark, attempting to find my shit. I flip on the light switch and frustration gnaws at me, realizing she isn’t making a move. “Get up. You should have been gone hours ago.”

“But . . . I thought I could help you start your morning off real nice,” she purrs, stepping out of bed and fixing her sultry stare on me. She moves across the room, stepping right up in front of me before pressing her used body up against mine. She trails her nails down my naked chest and grabs my dick. “Come on, Captain. Come back to bed. You can take me any way you want.”