“Look, I have to go,” he says before a grin rips across his face. “We have a flight leaving in three hours and I still need to consummate my marriage.”

“Gross,” I grunt as Jax puts his arm around my waist and pulls me to him.

“Night, kiddies,” he winks before backing away.

“Just so you know,” I call after him. “I love you, and I’ve had the best night, but at this very moment, I really hate you.”

“Got the message, loud and clear,” Sean smirks with a salute as Carter and Logan walk by on the opposite side of the landing.

“Oh, and I hate you fuckers, too,” I call out to them. They give me confused looks, but I slam the door closed before they can question it.

“God,” I groan. “They’re a bunch of jerks.”

Jax just smiles at me and drags me back to bed. “Come on, you can whine and bitch them out tomorrow. For now, I need to feel your body against mine.”

How could a girl possibly resist that offer? “Okay,” I say, climbing back into bed, letting Jax pull me against him. He whispers goodnight in my ear and plays with my hair until I have calmed down enough to finally fall back into a peaceful sleep.

Chapter 14


Standing in front of the mirror, I take myself in. I’m a fucking mess of nerves. My hands shake, I’m fidgety, and my heart is threatening to beat right out of my chest. I take a deep breath and hold it in before blowing it out, the same way I do right before a big game.

I check my suit in the mirror and grab the little box off the vanity as I double-check that I’ve done everything. After all, I want to make a good impression. I’ve shaved, remembered deodorant, and even shined my goddamn shoes.

It’s either now or never. I’ll never be able to scrounge up the nerve to do this again. I fire off a quick message to Cass, just to make sure she won’t be home.

Putting the small, black velvet box in my pocket, I rush down the stairs before I have the chance to back out. I head out through the front door without a backward glance, ignoring my parents who call after me, wondering what the hell I’m doing in a suit.

I consider cutting through the fence to next door, but I want to do this right. Instead, I walk the whole way up the driveway, cross to the next property, and walk back down to the house before climbing the front steps and hitting the doorbell.

I wait for a short moment before Cassie’s dad answers the door, Brad Waters. “Mr. Waters,” I greet with a nod, while silently shitting myself. I mean, fuck. Why does this have to be so nerve-racking?

He stands before me in silence as he takes in my attire. “Shit,” he sighs, skipping over the fact that I addressed him formally, which I haven’t done since he ratted me out for it when I was twelve. “Either someone died, or you’re here for something else. To be honest, I’m kind of hoping you’re on your way to a funeral.”

“No, sir,” I say, proudly. “No funerals in my immediate future.”

“Hmm,” he grunts, not impressed. “There’s about to be.”

With a grin, I ignore his quip. “May I come in?”

He steps out of the way to allow me to pass. “I don’t know why you didn’t just sneak through Cassie’s window like you usually do.” My eyes go as wide as saucers. Shit, I didn’t realize he knew about that. What the hell was I thinking coming here? He’s going to chew me out for sure. “Relax kid. If we had a problem with it, we would have said something when it started four years ago.”

I don’t know what to think about that, or even how to respond, but I take it in stride and follow him into the house. Brad leads me through the kitchen and grabs a beer before passing one to me. We walk into the good living area and he offers me a seat, which I take gingerly and wait until he’s comfortable before getting started.

“Wait, I’m not ready,” he cuts in, holding up a hand with a gleam in his eyes. He gets up and steps out the open door before hollering up the stairs, “Boys, get your asses down here. Young Jaxon has something he’d like to discuss with us.”

Ahh, shit. Now I’m fucked.

Brad walks back into the room and sits silently before me, watching me freak out as we wait for Cassie’s older brothers to come down.

Each of them enters with smirks on their faces. But once they take me in, those smirks quickly morph into deep scowls. “Fuck me,” Carter says, as the boys flank their father and turn on me.