He turns his attention back to the aisle, putting a stop to any conversation.

We make it to the end where hugs, kisses, and congratulations are passed around. Jax releases my arm, but a force is pulling me back to him. I know he needs a moment before he can deal with me again, so I give him what he needs.

Leaving to find my brothers, they both see me coming at the same time. Carter and Logan give each other wary looks before turning to face my wrath. “You should have told me,” I scold them. “I must have looked like an idiot stumbling down the aisle.”

“Well, to be honest, telling you would have been an awful idea,” Logan says. “And watching you squirm was far too enjoyable.”

I ignore his comments as my mouth drops open. I stare at him in shock. “What planet are you living on?” I laugh. “How could it possibly be an awful idea? Are you insane?”

“Honestly, it’s quite simple,” he tells me.

“How so?”

“Had you known, would you still have attended the wedding?” he asks.

I look at him like he’s lost his mind. “Of course I would have.”

“But?” Carter says, giving me a pointed stare.

I roll my eyes, knowing exactly where this is going. “But I would have complained about it.”

“Exactly,” they say at the same time, doing that freaky triplet thing where they read each other’s minds. “Come on,” Logan says, always on team Jax. “You know it felt right having him here.”

I cast my eyes around and take him in, speaking with my grandparents as if talking with long-lost friends. My grandmother pulls him in with open arms and he goes willingly, making my chest ache in the good kind of way. “Yeah,” I admit. “It’s right having him here. He’s family.”

Needing to get my mind off Jax, I make my way around the crowded guests, taking a few moments to say hello before the photographer whisks us off for another photo shoot. Though, with the boys here, this round of photos is somewhat more comical than the last.

Chapter 12


Fuck me. I don’t understand why chicks insist on getting all these damn photos taken. It’s ridiculous. My only saving grace is that Logan’s here and has already had a few too many drinks, otherwise, the boys and I would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. Especially considering the ever-growing tension between me and Cass.

It’s almost nightfall when the wedding planner comes around to tell us it’s time to head up to the reception. Carter and Logan take off with Tom, while Sean sweeps his bride up and throws her over his shoulder. She squeals and beats on his back as he takes off after the boys. The girls scream for him to put her down, saying some shit about messing up her hair and chase after them, leaving me and Cass behind.

She gazes after her family fondly before realizing we’re left alone together, and her smile becomes forced. She pulls her heels off and holds both of them in one hand, along with the hem of her silvery dress—a dress that I wanted to tear off with my teeth the moment I saw her in it. She’s fucking radiant today with her chestnut hair done up and natural makeup. She didn’t go all out like the other girls did, and she looks absolutely breathtaking.

Cassie starts walking to the house for the reception, and I can’t help but fall in beside her. I don’t know what makes me do it. Maybe it’s the day, maybe it’s how beautiful she looks, or maybe it’s the look in her eyes that tells me she’s still in love with me. I don’t know why, but I quietly slide my hand into hers, my fingers lacing through hers just like I’ve done a million times before, and it feels like coming home.

She looks up at me with wide, questioning eyes, and all I can offer her is a sad smile. She takes it for what it is and turns her attention back to the grass, but she doesn’t dare let go. We walk the rest of the way back to the house hand in hand before I gently pull mine out of hers. She doesn’t look back at me, just continues walking until she stands among the other bridesmaids, putting on a brave face.

I don’t know how this all happened. All I know is that Sean called me a few days ago and told me it wouldn’t be right if I wasn’t standing up there with him. And I have to agree, being here feels like being with family again. I hated it the second he told me that I shouldn’t tell Cass I was coming, that it would just make her overthink and panic, and he was right. That’s Cass to a T. However, it made me feel as if I was betraying her trust somehow, blindsiding her. But either way, I’m here now, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.