We’re lined up, ready to go, and I listen as the wedding planner maps out the pathway to get down the aisle. From where we stand, we can’t see where the ceremony is, but anyone who knows the property would clearly understand the path. Let’s just hope the two girls before me understood what the planner was trying to say.

Shortly after the music begins, Sara’s sister heads off, followed by her best friend and then me. With a breath, I take my first step toward the aisle, following the path I was told to lead. It doesn’t take long for the ceremony area to come into view, but I keep my head down, terrified I might trip.

Once I reach the top of the aisle, I’m stopped by the photographer who takes a photo with a blinding flash before stepping out of my way and letting me continue.

Finally, I get a look at the groom, who looks at me with a huge, proud smile, but I also see a hint of guilt in his eyes that has my brows furrowing for the briefest moment.

I continue down the aisle and shift my gaze to Carter and then to Logan, who each give one another a sideways glance before glancing back at me with worried looks on their faces. What the hell is going on? My eyes continue scanning the line of groomsmen, expecting to see Tom, Sean’s best friend. Instead, they land on the one person I did not expect to see here again. Not in a million years.

Jax stands up beside my brothers, looking as handsome as ever in his suit, his hungry eyes firmly on me. The pure shock of seeing him has me stumbling slightly before I right myself and slap on a smile. I force myself down the rest of the aisle, and instead of lining up with the other bridesmaids, I head straight to Sean and reach up on my tippy toes to place a swift kiss on his cheek.

To the guests, it would look like an innocent show of affection from a little sister to her big brother on his wedding day, but everyone standing before me on the groom’s side knows better.

“What the fuck, Sean?” I say through my teeth as I smile and pull him in for a hug. “Are you trying to fucking kill me?”

“Sorry, Cass,” he murmurs. “I couldn’t picture today without him.”

Sighing, I quickly glance at Jax, only to find those deep blue eyes already on mine. I flick my attention back to my brother before I get swept up with it all and grab the attention of Logan and Carter as well, knowing they would have known about this. “We’re all going to have words about this later,” I whisper before heading to my side to stand in line behind Sara’s best friend.

Once firmly in position, I can’t help but cast my eyes to Jax as I wait for the final bridesmaid to take her position. Jax watches me right back, and to say the moment is intense would be putting it lightly. From the look in his eye, I would say that for today only, he’s willing to overlook our history and recent confessions and enjoy this time that we have as a family.

The music finally changes, letting us know the bride is coming, and I tear my gaze away from Jax. Looking up the aisle, I see Sara walking toward her groom with tears of happiness streaming down her face. I turn back to Sean and he’s absolutely beaming as he takes in his bride, and I swear, I could not be happier. They are perfect in every way.

I tune out Jax and focus on the ceremony, and I’m glad that I do. Watching them publicly confess their love for each other and say their vows brings tears to my eyes that I can’t seem to dismiss. I know marrying the man of my dreams is something that may never happen for me, but I’m so happy for Sean. Everything he has ever wanted is falling right into place.

At the end of the ceremony, the bride and groom walk back up the aisle with the bridal party following, which unfortunately has me partnered with Jax. He offers me his arm and I scoop my hand into place, once again being reminded of my senior prom.

“You look stunning,” he murmurs to me as we make our way back up the aisle.

“Thank you,” I say, “You don’t look too bad yourself.”

He casts his eyes down at me for a brief moment, and I see the raw emotion in his eyes. I know he’s trying to tell me that this could have been us. Should have been us.

I desperately want to say something, to tell him that I take it all back, that I wish I never left, but all that comes out is a broken, “Sorry.”