Driving past Jax’s parents’ home, I scowl in that particular direction before turning into my driveway. I stop at the gates and enter my code, waiting as the massive metal gates slowly open to allow my entry.

I hit the button for the window and drive down the tree-lined driveway, breathing in that familiar smell of home. My eyes widen in amazement as I get to the house, finding parking attendants and delivery trucks scattered around the whole yard. Men and women in all sorts of different uniforms go about in a rush to prepare my home for Sean’s wedding.

Delivery men are busy lugging beautiful white chairs through the door while some poor bastard is chasing around a couple of swans that have broken free of their travel cage.

Ladders and tables are being unloaded from the back of a truck, and I pull around it to drive up to the front door. A smirk pulls across my face as I bypass an older man struggling to untangle fairy lights, only to have another man in a penguin suit stop by my door and offer to assist me with parking.

I hop out of my car and grab my things before handing the keys over. My parents used to throw extravagant parties all the time, which were always amazing, but we’ve never held a wedding here before. I must say, so far, it’s absolutely shocking and beautiful at the same time. Mom would have loved every moment of it.

I walk up the stairs leading to the entrance of our family home and make my way through the open double doors. The house is in absolute chaos, but an organized chaos, and I need a moment to take it all in.

Dumping my things at the bottom of the stairs, my curiosity gets the best of me. I head on through the house toward the back room, where I’m assuming the reception will be held, and bingo, I’m right.

The double doors are held open by massive white vases that contain the most amazing flower arrangements, welcoming the guests into the room, and as I glance through, I suck in a gasp. White tables and golden chairs surround me, and dazzling fairy lights and beautiful flower arrangements offer the room a breathtaking ambiance. To the side of the room, a wide space has been set aside for a dance floor. The fairy lights trail around the pillars throughout the room, and I just know that come nightfall, this is going to be the most spectacular sight I’ve ever seen.

Mom really would have loved this.

The big chandelier in the center of the ceiling has white drapes flowing from the center all the way to the edges of the massive room, taking my breath away as I slowly make my way through. The glass bi-fold doors that enclose the room have been opened completely to a second dance floor, which overlooks the garden and lake.

Walking out on the balcony, I peer over the wide lake and find where the ceremony will be taking place. Taking in the chairs and the stunning altar by the lake, my eyes begin to water. This wedding is going to be nothing short of spectacular, and I know without a doubt that Mom and Dad are looking down on Sean and Sara today.

Turning back to the reception hall, I find a well-dressed lady running around like a mad woman, clipboard in hand and earpiece firmly attached. She spots me and gives me a blank stare, which immediately puts me on edge. “And you would be?” she asks as politely as possible, though, I can see the annoyance in her eyes at having been disturbed.

“You must be Rebecca?” I ask, realizing this is the frustrating wedding planner Sean has had to deal with. “I’m Cassie, bridesmaid and the groom’s sister. Also part owner of this estate,” I add, just to put the bitch in her place and remind her whose home she’s in.

“Oh,” she says, a little shocked, the annoyance fading from her features and replaced with a fake smile. “And a beautiful estate it is. However, there isn’t time to waste. The boys are on the second level while the girls have taken up the third.” She glances down at her clipboard. “You should have roughly ten minutes to say hello to your brothers before you are required for hair and makeup with the bridal party.”

“Wonderful.” I give her a curt nod and exit the room in search of my brothers, grabbing my things from the bottom of the stairs before making my way up them. If Rebecca hadn’t told me the boys were on level two, I would have figured it out pretty damn fast. The noise coming from that level is just ridiculous.

I knock on the door of the loudest room to have none other than Carter appear. “Little sister,” he beams excitedly, clearly already wasted. “You made it.” He pulls me in for a hug while Sean and Logan appear behind him.