Standing by the door for a moment, I watch as her eyes close and she drifts into what I hope is a peaceful sleep. “Goodnight, Cass,” I whisper into the darkened room before I turn to leave.

I’m nearly through the door when I hear her pained whisper. “I knew, Jax. I’m sorry. I was scared.”

I stop dead in my tracks, my heart racing.

No, there’s no way.

I turn back to look at her, but her eyes are closed. “What did you know, Cass?” I push, lowering my tone, making it so that she can’t ignore me.

Her eyes open just a sliver, studying me in the dark. There’s heartbreak in her gaze, and it kills me to know exactly what she’s about to say. “The ring, Jax. I knew about the ring.”

And just like that, it all makes perfect fucking sense.

Without another word, I turn my back and leave.

Chapter 11


“Fuck, babe, you can really sing,” Brianna says as I come strutting out of my room with an overnight bag, making me pause in horror, my eyes widening. Shit, I hadn’t even realized I’d been singing. I must have been doing it in the shower, but I’m not ready to tell this secret yet. “Wait, where the hell are you going?”

Thank God. I give her a pointed look, cluing her in that she’s being an absolute moron. “Sean’s wedding, remember?” I say. “I’m pretty sure I’ve told you this a million times.”

“Oh, shit,” she says with a guilty look. “I forgot that was this weekend. I was hoping for another pole dancing class.”

“There’s no way we would be able to get away with that,” I laugh as I open the internal garage door and dump my bag into my car. “The boys probably have their little freshmen wanna-be’s staking out the dance studio in case we happen to come by.”

“Yeah, I don’t doubt that,” she agrees with a heavy sigh. “But what am I going to do all weekend? Bobby’s still pissed at me.”

“Seriously? It’s been two weeks.”

“Yeah, I know. I think he’s just shocked to find out that I’m actually a lot more like him than he had ever hoped,” she laughs.

“I mean, you kind of blindsided him with the whole threesome thing.”

“Shut up,” she grins. “It was awesome, and I’d totally do it again.”

“Ugh,” I groan. “Let me know how that goes for you.”

Bri gives me a salute as I head back to my room and do another look to make sure I have everything I need before heading back out to the living room. “Okay, I’ve got to get going,” I tell her. “Have a blast without me, but don’t even think about finding a new best friend, otherwise I’m going to delete Carter’s number from your phone.”

“Fine,” she groans as she throws her arms around me and squeezes the living daylights out of me. “Have fun. I’ll let you know if any brooding hockey captains come around to apologize.”

“Yeah right,” I scoff. “I’d pay to see the day that happens. It’s already been two weeks since I told him, and he hasn’t said a word. I didn’t even get a scowl during class.”

“Oh shit. That bad, huh?”

“Yep,” I shrug.

“Maybe he just needs a few more days to sulk,” she says, trying to keep me positive. “We can put the Fight For My Man plan into action after that.”

“Okay,” I laugh. “It’s not going to be easy though.”

“Nothing worth having ever is.”

With a roll of my eyes, I drop into my car. “See you tomorrow night,” I call out the window before I start backing out of the garage.

A thought enters my mind and I quickly stomp on the brake before Bri gets the chance to scurry away. “Hey, you haven’t been in my room, have you?” I yell through the open window. “I’m down for you sharing my shit, but if you’re gonna be scrambling through my clothes, at least put them away nicely.”

Bri looks at me like I’m deranged. “Why on earth would I be going into your skanky-ass room?” she questions. “I haven’t touched your clothes. Besides, mine are way hotter than yours. If anything, you’re the one who needs an ass-whooping here.”

I flip her the bird in response, then resume reversing out the driveway. Bri follows me out and gives a wave before heading back in, probably to go back to sleep for the rest of the day. But in reality, she’s nursing last night’s hangover so she can head out tonight with her girlfriends and do it all over again. At least I was sensible enough to be the sober one last night.

Flicking on the tunes, I drive the twenty short minutes to my family’s home, a mix of happiness and sadness pulsing through me.

The thoughts of coming home to the place that holds my memories of Mom and Dad and of course, Jax, frightens the living shit out of me. But this is the one place I feel closest to my parents. I’m pretty sure the triplets feel the same way, hence why Sean is having his wedding on the property. You know, besides the fact that the property is an amazing estate, perfect for hosting weddings and functions. If we hired it out, we’d make a killing, but I couldn’t stand the thought of our family home being used that way.