Like I said. The fucking jackpot.

Cass sighs and grins at Brianna. “You caught onto that did you?” she asks.

“Like I could miss that bomb,” she laughs. “Explain yourself, whore. Though, I guess I can’t call you that, huh? I bet you grew back your virginity . . . Unless you were going hard with a big-ass dildo and vibrator. I know I would have been.”

Even though I can’t see her face, I can just imagine how she would roll her eyes before answering. “I mean . . .” she sighs. “Sex means something to me. It’s about a connection between two people, whether it’s hot and heavy or slow and sensual. For me, if there’s no connection then sex is off the table.”

I’ve never heard so much bullshit in my life. I know Cass right down to the bone, and I know without even looking at her face that she’s lying right through her teeth.

“Okay,” Bri scoffs, as we near their driveway. “That’s the lamest answer I’ve ever heard. What’s the truth?”

Shit. I underestimated Brianna. I take my hat off to her, and I must remember to thank that little she-devil.

Cass groans. “Fine,” she huffs. “I tried. I really did. I had the guy right there where I needed him. He was gorgeous, huge, rock-hard cock with abs to kill, plus a cocky smile. But when it came down to the crunch, I couldn’t do it. I chickened out like a little bitch.” She takes a breath and leans her head against Brianna’s shoulder. “How can I sleep with another man when I still have Jax in my head?”

Fuck me. My mind spins. She left three years ago without a damn word. I assumed it was because she was done and needed an easy way out. But if that was the case, why the hell is she still struggling to forget about me?

“Babe,” Brianna says with a sigh. It’s a moment before her next question comes and I must commend her, she is on fire tonight. “Why did you even try? With the other guy, I mean?”

Cass scoffs as she reaches into her tiny crop to pull out their house key and finally starts to lower her voice as Bobby and I inch closer to them. “I’d heard the stories about him, you know, becoming the Carter-in-training, and I guess it made me realize that he had moved on and was officially done with me. It hurt, so I wanted to inflict the same kind of pain on him. But it backfired, like really, really bad,” she says with an embarrassed smirk. “I got a reputation for being the girl who doesn’t put out.”

“Shit,” Brianna laughs. “You don’t need to worry about that here. I think the whole campus knows that isn’t true.”

A triumphant grin spreads across my face. Fuck yeah. That night last week was fucking amazing, and I don’t care who knows it. I’d be proud to let them all know this woman rocked my world.

The door is pushed open and Brianna waltzes in without a backward glance. Cass stops at the door to say goodbye while Bobby struts straight past and collapses onto the couch, falling into an instant sleep.

“Um, well, thanks,” she says, twisting her hands together. “You know, for walking us home and for that guy.”

“No problem,” I say as she starts to yawn and stumbles back into the brick wall of the house. Shit. “Come on.”

I lead her through the house to her bedroom before rifling through her drawers and pulling out her pajamas. I order her to get dressed while I go find some painkillers and a glass of water for the morning. When I come back to her room, I find her in her bra and undies, struggling to get her feet through the hole of her pants.

With a sigh, I step up to her and start to help.

My gaze roams over her body, and I find her waist is red and raw with a small scratch marring her perfect skin. “Wait here,” I tell her before disappearing into the bathroom to find some kind of soothing lotion. I come back to find her laying on the top of her bed, already curled up into her pillow, and I sit down beside her and start rubbing the lotion into her bruised skin. She hisses in pain and I do my best to make this as quick as possible.

“I’m sorry,” she murmurs. “I shouldn’t have drunk so much.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” I agree with a grunt.

“I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there,” she says with a yawn, tears lingering in her beautiful brown eyes.

I pull her blankets over her and watch as her eyes start to flutter. “Go to sleep, Cass.”

“Can you stay?”

With a sigh, I get up and lean over, placing a kiss on her forehead. “That’s not a good idea and you know it,” I tell her before turning and walking to the door, though I don’t miss the deflated look in her eyes. A look that absolutely kills me.