She falls into my arms, her body wrapping around me as I hold her close. Cassie gasps as she tries to control her breathing, the whole ordeal fucking with her head. “It’s okay, you’re safe,” I whisper. A tear slides down her face and drops onto my shoulder, so I pull her back, wipe her face, then gently press a kiss to her forehead. “Come on. I think it’s time to go.”

She nods as the boys come and collect their girls, clearly having the same thought as me.

Cass grabs hold of Brianna, and I turn to let Bobby know I’m taking them home. He nods and offers to walk with us. After all, our driver is now extremely drunk off his ass.

We say our goodbyes and I lead Cassie out the door. The girls walk ahead of us as Bobby and I watch them from behind. We walk in silence as I re-run the night in my head. It was a risky move punching that guy and could have gotten me in serious trouble, not only with the college but with hockey. On the other hand, there was no way I was going to sit back and allow that douchebag to touch Cass. Besides, I have nearly a whole team of guys who can act as witnesses if needed.

I’m lost in my thoughts when I finally notice that Bobby has been slurring about the game and the shit he got up to at Micky’s. I feel bad for tuning him out, but it’s not like he realizes I’m not paying attention. Or if he does, he won’t remember come morning. Instead, I focus on the girls’ conversation in front of me.

Bri has her arm around Cassie’s waist while Cassie’s is thrown casually over Bri’s shoulder as they struggle to hold each other up.

Bri tugs at Cassie’s waist, and I watch in horror as she flinches in pain. My jaw tightens, struggling to hold myself back from turning around to find that prick so I can beat the living shit out of him. Bobby must have noticed Cassie’s flinch as he places a hand on my shoulder, keeping me on track.

“I’m sorry,” Brianna slurs to Cass as they both stumble up the pathway. “I should have been paying attention and now you’re hurt. It’s all my fault,” she wails, big heaving sobs taking over.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” Cass soothes. “It’s my fault. I shouldn’t have drunk that much. I was the one dancing half-naked, and I’m the one who put myself in that position. At least, that’s what moody back there’s going to say the second you go inside,” she adds, trying to whisper but failing while hooking her thumb in my direction.

“God, tell me about it. He really is moody,” Bri agrees. “Kind of like a guard dog. You know, kind of rabid when you need it to be, but still loyal to its owner.”

Cass bursts into uncontrollable laughter that has me scowling at her back and wanting to break up the conversation. But I know it’s because of the tequila, and honestly, I want to see where the rest of the conversation goes.

The girls get their laughter under control, only to start again when Cass brings up the Never Have I Ever game. “I can’t believe Bobby screwed his cousin,” Cass laughs, making Bri snort back a giggle that has her choking on her own saliva. She stumbles a bit as she tries to right herself, but in doing that, she pulls on Cassie’s waist again, making her hiss in pain.

Bri is oblivious to it, but I sure as fuck am not. My hands ball into fists, and I force myself to count to ten, trying to calm myself. “Speaking of that game,” Brianna starts. “There would have been a million other questions you could have asked besides the foursome thing. I mean, there are a lot of other things I’d be interested to know when it comes to these boys.”

“Believe me, I know,” Cass replies, “But I wanted to know just how much of a manwhore he’d become. I assumed he’d been involved in a threesome, but I hoped not. Then he had to go and confirm it. So, I guess it had me curious.”

“And now that you know?” Bri asks. “Does it make you feel any different?”

Fuck me, this conversation is like hitting the jackpot. I almost feel guilty listening in on what’s clearly a private conversation, but when it comes to information about me and Cass, I’m going to take it any way I can. With that resolve, I listen in closer, not wanting to miss a damn word.

“Ha,” Cass scoffs, “ask me in the morning when I don’t have so much liquor going through my body.”

Damn it.

“Okay,” Brianna laughs as we turn onto the girls’ street. They walk in silence for a few steps when Bri turns her smirk on Cass. “You know, when you told me you hadn’t been with anyone for a while, I didn’t quite think you meant that the last guy was Jax, three freaking years ago.”