The moment he’s gone, my stare is back on my girl. Fuck. I mean . . . shit. I have no idea what the hell she is to me, but calling her my girl even though we haven’t been together for so long still feels natural to me. She dances with the girls, and from the red flush on her cheeks, I know what she’s going to do before she even does it.

I let out a groan moments before she makes her move, knowing these girls have the eyes of every man in the bar. Her hands start to rise and I start my countdown.

In three. Two. One.

She grips the hem of Bobby’s hockey jersey and raises it high over her head before tying it around her toned waist. The look is fucking hot, with her little crop from her pole dancing class and the light sheen of sweat that covers her body. Add that to the messed-up hair and flushed cheeks and it reminds me of the Cass that was riding me on Saturday night. But it’s not exactly something I want every dickhead in this place thinking about.

The overwhelming need to cover her up shoots through me, but I know that isn’t going to go down well, especially after today’s bullshit with the pole dancing. This is just one of those times I have to let it go.

To Bobby’s dismay, Brianna follows suit and strips down to her small crop, and seconds later, both Sophie and Dani are dancing around in their bras.

“Fuck,” Miller says with a shake of his head as he takes in his woman dancing half-naked across the bar. He gets up and takes a seat beside me. “What’s going on, man?” he asks, knowing that going after Dani now is only going to end up with him receiving an ass-whooping.

I give him a sideways glance. “What are you talking about?”

“You’re all torn up over this girl,” he says, nodding toward Cassie on the dance floor. “And from the way that drinking game went, you two have history.”

“A shitload of history,” I admit.

“Dude, fucking spill already. I’ve known you a while now and have never seen you look at a woman like that. She’s your girl, right?” he says as a group of guys starts approaching the girls.

“I don’t know, man,” I tell him. “She used to be. She was in high school. I would have fucking married her, but she left, no explanation, nothing. Just left.”

“And now she’s back,” Miller says.

“Now she’s back,” I repeat, watching one of the guys come up behind her and put his hands around her waist to pull her into him. He tries to grind into her, but she pushes him away.

“Looks like she isn’t going to be single for long, so you’re going to need to figure your shit out, and soon,” Miller says as the guy goes back for round two, this time pulling her in a little tighter. She turns around and tells him to go away, but he doesn’t accept it, just keeps trying to grind his dick into her ass.

My stare hardens as I watch him drop his lips to her neck and lower his hold on her waist, moving further south. I see red. “Dude, you better intervene,” Miller says, but there’s no need. I’m already out of my seat.

I’m storming across Micky’s with Bobby on my heels and probably the rest of the team, but I’m too furious to look back. The rest of the girls are way too drunk to realize Cass is in trouble, which only infuriates me more. I see the panic in Cassie’s eyes as she tries to push the guy off her, prying at his fingers and trying to pull them back, but he sneers and tightens his hold as if he’s getting off on her panic.

Cassie works out. She’s strong, which only goes to prove how tight this asshole is gripping her. All I know is if he leaves a mark on her, there’s going to be hell to pay. He starts to force his fingers into the waistband of her sweatpants, and I pick up my pace, shouldering past anyone who stands in my way.

Cass desperately looks around for help, and it’s not long before she sees me coming and relief fills her watery eyes. As I grow nearer, I realize there’s something off about this guy, something I can’t lay my finger on, and I don’t like it one bit. I step up in front of Cass, and as I raise my fist, she sees my intention and ducks down as best she can to keep out of the way.

The asshole notices me at the very last second, but he’s too late to avoid it. My fist is already flying through the air toward his jaw. His eyes widen in shock as I connect with his face and he’s sent flying back with the force of my punch, letting go of Cassie’s waist in the process.