“Hell to the no, motherfuckers,” Bri announces. “That man is exactly what this bitch needs. Now quit whining, you can consider me officially warned,” she adds before opening her door and hopping out. “I’m ready for a good time.”

Bobby groans as the rest of us pile out of his truck, and we walk to the door listening to the twins arguing over Bri’s undying love for Carter. Bobby reaches for the door and ushers us all in, and the moment I see the place, I fall in love with it.

The bar is packed with Dragon’s fans who all stand and cheer as Jaxon and Bobby walk through the door. The boys grin and a beer is thrust into both their hands.

We follow along as the boys lead us to a massive table at the back of the bar, and I instantly recognize the rest of the team. They all start saying their hellos when two faces at the table draw my attention. “Hey, you’re Miller and Tank,” I say with a star-struck smile.

“Yeah, hi,” Miller smiles while Tank just nods his head. “You’re a fan?”

“Sort of,” I say, “I’m . . .” I look toward Jaxon before thinking better of it. “Nobody, just, yeah. I guess I’m a fan.”

“Oh, whatever,” Bobby says, already halfway through his first beer. “This is Logan Waters’ little sister.”

“Shit, I’d say you’re more than just a fan,” Miller says as the rest of the boys at the table go quiet and start gawking at me. “I played with Logan for two years before he graduated. He was always talking about his little sister. Cassie, right?”

“That’s right,” I say as a warm smile crosses my face thinking about that big goofball. “I hope it was all good things.”

“Mostly,” Miller comments. “He said you were trouble.”

Jax scoffs at that and finds a seat at the table. “That’d be right.”

Miller smiles and then introduces me to his girlfriend, Dani, who then pulls Sophie into the mix.

“Tell me you’re not on a date with Jaxon and falling for his charms?” Sophie questions, well on her way to being drunk.

“No,” I laugh as Jaxon’s gaze pierces right into mine. “He’s just my old neighbor who wouldn’t let me and Bri go out clubbing after the game.”

Dani nudges Miller and gives me a sympathetic smile. “Sounds a lot like someone else I know,” she says, eyeing her boyfriend.

I laugh and get pulled down into a chair beside them while Bri drops down on my other side. After more drinks than we can count, we’re just as drunk as the girls are.

I feel Jaxon’s eyes on me the whole night, scowling each time I accept a new drink, but I couldn’t care less. I’m having the best time, and Jaxon is here at the table rather than searching for the girl he’s going to be screwing later. Besides, the more drinks I accept, the deeper he scowls, and goddamn, I’m enjoying getting under his skin.

Sophie orders a few bottles of tequila and enough shot glasses to go around the table. “We’re playing Never Have I Ever,” she declares to the table as Tank groans in protest.

I’ve heard of it, however never actually played, but by the looks of it, I’m in.

Catching the look on my face, Brianna leans over and whispers, “It’s simple. A question will be asked and if it applies to you, you take a shot. The person with the bottle asks the question,” she explains. “So really, it’s a good way to find out people’s dirty secrets.”

“Sounds good,” I laugh as Dani starts filling as many shot glasses as possible.

“Okay, me first,” Sophie says with a grin as she grabs the bottle from Dani then makes a show of thinking about her question. “Alright, never have I ever . . . been arrested.”

And just like that, the game gets started. All the boys except for the freshmen grab a glass and down their shots as my mouth hangs open in shock. How the hell could so many of these guys have been arrested? And then it dawns on me that it’s most likely for public drunkenness after playing games like this.

Dani stands next and turns her devilish grin to Sophie. “Never have I ever had a threesome.”

“Babe,” Miller groans.

“Oh shit,” Dani laughs. “I forgot you used to be a whore.”

He shakes his head before scowling and grabbing a shot along with Jax, Miller, and Tank. But when Brianna leans across the table and grabs a glass, Bobby’s eyes widen in a mix of anger and shock. I turn to her with a raised brow, but all she does is shrug her shoulders and down her shot, proud of her achievements.

I do my best to ignore the fact that Jax drank to that too. I always assumed he’d gone full manwhore, but still kind of hoped he had some sort of innocence to him. Dani passes the bottle around the table to me, and I stand just as the girls had before me. Narrowing my eyes on Jax in pure curiosity, I say, “Never have I ever had a foursome.”