We get through the doors and the girls disappear into the grandstands. Something screams at me to pinpoint where exactly in the grandstand she will be, but I shake the thought from my head. It’s none of my business where she is and what she’ll be doing.

We get into the locker room to find Coach going over the game plan for tonight. He looks up as we enter, and we hardly get a nod before his attention is drawn straight back to the clipboard before him. Over the next ten minutes, the rest of the boys come dawdling in.

When it looks like everyone is here, Coach instructs me to lead the guys in a warm-up. We can’t afford any injuries this season, especially injuries created by stupidity. We spend the next half hour running drills down the hallway to warm up and shooting pucks into a knocked-over trash can, which due to lack of space in the locker room, isn’t as easy as shooting into the goal with the slick ice beneath it.

The noise from the grandstand grows, and it’s almost game time. “Alright, boys,” I say, getting everyone’s attention. “Let’s get suited up and show these people we’re still the rightful owners of that big motherfucking trophy.”

They grunt out their approvals as we make our way to our individual lockers to get ready. “Cover up, boys,” comes a familiar voice from the doorway. “I’m coming in.”

A grin spreads wide across my face before I even see her face. Sophie comes crashing in with Tank, Miller, and Dani on her heels, making a few of the freshmen gasp and attempt to cover their junk. Though we seasoned players know that Sophie is going to get an eyeful no matter what you do to prevent it. It’s inevitable. “Sorry, guys,” Tank says, with a grin. “They refused to stay in the stands.”

“I wouldn’t have expected anything else,” I laugh as Sophie and Dani barrel toward me, knocking me into the back of my locker with the force of their affection. I wrap my arms around them both and pull them in tight.

“Jaxon,” Dani exclaims with a grin. “I’ve missed you.”

“Same goes, Dani girl,” I laugh before passing the girls onto Bobby. Soon the rest of the guys have all lined up, waiting for their hug from the girls.

“You guys mind getting your filthy hands off my girl?” Miller says, trying his hardest to look unimpressed, but the gleam in his eyes makes it obvious he’s happy to be here.

“What are you doing here, man?” I ask, stepping up to him and clapping his shoulder.

“Had to come and see if you were good enough to follow in my footsteps or if I’d made a terrible mistake,” he says with a grin.

“Dude, I’m so fucking amazing that you’ll be kicked off your team so they can make room for me,” I joke.

He rolls his eyes but cracks a grin. “What’s up, dude?” Tank says, coming over. “You ready for this?”

“Born ready, man,” I tell him honestly.

“Good. Don’t let all our hard work from last season go to waste,” he says.

“I got this,” I say as he holds his fist up. I bump mine against his and follow suit with Miller.

The boys say a quick hello to Coach Harris, and not long after, the crowd is going nuts, ready to see their defending champions in action. The sound prompts Miller to call out for Dani, while Tank grabs Sophie and throws her over his shoulder. They make their way out, leaving us to get ready for our big debut.

“Alright, boys,” Coach says, getting our attention. “This is it. The start of our season, and we are going to do it right. Last season’s Dream Team came to see if you lot are worthy of playing under the title of defending champions, so do not let them down. Do not let yourselves down, and do not let your fans down,” he demands as he looks each and every one of us in the eyes.

“Now, we know we’re the best, the fans know we’re the best. Fuck, the homeless guy outside of Micky’s Bar knows we’re the best, but there are a bunch of cocky pricks in the other room thinking they have a chance against us, thinking they can take our championship away on game one.” The boys start booing and begin getting amped up with Coach’s speech. “Are you going to let them?” he demands, making the boys shout out their protests. “Are you going to defend your title? Are you champions?”

“YES,” the boys shout.

“Are you Dragons?”


“Are you ready?” he finally shouts.

“YES,” we roar, outdoing the sound from the grandstand.

With that, Coach looks at me. “You’ve got big shoes to fill, Payne,” he says.

“I got this, Coach.”

“Good, now lead your team out.”

I step up to the locker room door and the boys fall in behind me. I walk up the hallway and finally into the arena. The crowd goes nuts chanting the Dragon’s war cry. With an outstanding introduction from the announcer, we take to the ice.