Logan kicks their asses while giving them as much encouragement as possible, the same way he had done for me when I was a kid. It’s surreal having him share the ice with me again, but it feels right. Comforting, almost.

It’s crazy to see in person just how much he has improved since the last time I played against him. Though, I guess that’s expected when he’s played for the NHL for the past four years. He gives the boys a few tricks of the trade, and I watch as Coach gives Logan the look of a proud father.

The session comes to an end and we pile off the ice. “You’re a good choice for captain,” Logan says as he takes off his skates. “I can see how much you’ve improved. You’ve got what it takes.”

“Thanks,” I nod as he stands beside me.

“I’ve got to run,” he says, grabbing his things then looking at me hesitantly. “Look, I know it’s not my place to say,” he starts. “I have no idea what’s going on between you two or what even happened three years ago, but Cass is all we have left. I know it’s hard and probably really sucks, but look out for her, okay? Keep her out of trouble.”

“You know I will,” I say, getting up and giving him a quick goodbye. “See you around, man.”

“Alright. Thanks, kid. I’ll see you later,” he says, pulling me in for a quick hug and clapping me on the shoulder. With a grateful nod, he turns toward the locker room door, gives Coach a quick goodbye, and disappears.

I stare after him, dumbfounded. I was not expecting my afternoon to turn out like this.

I’ve got my brothers back, kind of. While that road is still bumpy as shit, it’s still there, and that’s all that matters. A sense of relief comes over me, and for the first time in a long time, I start to feel content, like a piece of my heart has been returned to me. Almost like a missing puzzle piece has finally found its place.

Chapter 7


“Come on,” Brianna whines as she pulls a brush through her dark hair. “You’ve been sulking for days. Just tell me what happened already so I can make it better.”

“You already know what happened,” I shoot back. “And besides, I haven’t been sulking.”

“Whatever,” she scoffs, dropping into the seat opposite me and pulling her legs up under her. “You’ve been a complete loser all week. And as for knowing what happened, there’s a difference between witnessing the walls shake from the next room due to your intense screwing and actually knowing what’s going on.”

“Ugh,” I groan. “If I tell you, will you leave it alone?”

She considers my question for the slightest moment. “No. Probably not,” she answers honestly.

“You’re so annoying,” I grunt, “but fine.”

She squeals in excitement and grabs a cushion off the floor to get comfortable for story time. “There honestly isn’t much to tell,” I warn her.

“I don’t care. I want all the juicy details, right down to how much things have changed in the downstairs area,” she grins, holding up her hands and making estimations of the size of Jax’s dick. But at least that means she’s one of the few girls who hasn’t had the pleasure of being screwed by Jaxon Payne.

“First of all, Jax is Jax. Do you think he would be as popular with all the sluts on campus if he was lacking in the equipment area?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

“Hmm, I suppose not. Though there really isn’t any point in having great equipment if the guy doesn’t know how to use it.”

“Trust me, he definitely knows how to use it,” I say, unable to hold back my grin as all the steamy memories come rushing back, making me needy for more.

“Yeah, I kind of figured. You know, by the way you were screaming his name. I’ve faked many orgasms in my time, and I tell you, that was not fake.”

“Oh my God,” I grunt in embarrassment.

“Shit, I should have made some popcorn for this conversation,” she muses. “But get on with it. I’m dying over here.”

“Fine,” I mutter, rolling my eyes. “So, he completely bombarded me at work on Saturday after some skank told him where to find me,” I say, giving her a pointed look.

She shrugs her shoulders. “What can I say? The man is very charming. He does this thing with his eyes and, ugh, I caved like a bitch in heat.”

I roll my eyes and continue my story. “Anyway, I was completely unprepared. I mean, I had everything figured out for if I saw him on campus, but I was not expecting him to show up at the library, so I froze.”

I tell her how we talked in the back room about my parents and how we held each other searching for comfort. I explain getting locked in the library, jumping out the damn window, getting caught in the freaking storm, and my car getting locked in the parking lot, all to Bri’s delight.