“You’re shitting me, right?” I practically growl, no longer giving a shit if the boys can hear me. “Had I known she was that bad, I would have been there every fucking day. You assholes stole that from me. She was my mom too. You guys were my brothers and Cass, well, who the fuck knows about that, but I would have been there either way. Instead, she passed thinking that I wasn’t there for her. That I didn’t care enough to come and visit her, and now I’m left with fucking no one! Each and every one of you turned your backs on me. I had nothing.” By this stage, I feel like curling up into a ball and crying like a fucking bitch as all the old scars are torn wide open, right along with the new ones.

The thoughts had been running through my head since the moment I found out Cass’ parents had died, and fuck, it feels good to finally get it out and be able to point my anger at one of the people who deserve it most. I thought I’d never see this guy again, never get the chance to let this out. Even though my heart still aches for them, it also feels like a weight is finally being lifted off my shoulders.

As soon as the words settle between us, the anger disappears with it, leaving behind only the ache of missing the people I loved as parents. As Logan notices the change within me, he steps forward and wraps his arms around me, pulling me in tight. “I’m sorry, brother,” he says with sincerity as he holds me against him, not letting me go. “I don’t know how, but I promise you, we’ll make it up to you. I swear to you, kid. We were blinded by everything that was going on. We had no clue you were hurting so bad. We could have taken that away. We should have reached out, but instead, we stabbed you in the back in the worst way.”

He lets me go, and I give him a slight nod, letting him know that I truly hear his words. He has made his peace, and now we can start working on mending that bridge that was torn down three years ago.

Coach watches on and can clearly see that whatever needed to happen here is done and makes his way over. “Logan Waters, what the hell are you doing in my training session?”

Logan instantly switches to his usual charming self and gives Coach a warm grin. “Thought I’d come and make sure you weren’t screwing up the guys’ chances of defending their title,” he smirks.

“Watch it, Logan,” Coach warns. “Just because you’re a big hotshot now, doesn’t mean that I won’t still snap you in half.”

“Like to see you try, old man,” Logan replies fondly. “What do you say I get on and show these dimwits how a real man plays hockey?”

“Fuck me,” Coach groans with a shake of his head before letting out a heavy sigh. “I’m going to regret this.” And with that, he gives Logan a nod and turns away.

Logan grins before disappearing toward the locker rooms to get ready at the rink he called home for his whole college career. I can’t help but feel a deep-rooted excitement pumping through my body. I grew up skating with Logan, and having the chance to do it again . . . fuck.

I skate back toward the boys when I pass Coach, and he stops me with a curious stare. “You know Waters?” he asks, clearly very fond of the dickhead.

“Sure do, Coach. We go way back,” I say, pulling my gloves and helmet back on.

He lets out a frustrated sigh as he considers my response. “I should have known. Your technique is nearly identical. Bad habits and all.”

I scoff, shaking my head, knowing he’s fucking with me. “You know damn well my technique is near perfect. Not a bad habit in sight.” Coach rolls his eyes, and with a smirk, I turn to face a bunch of little bitches, all starstruck by one of their idols. “Quit drooling,” I tell the boys, “You’ve got drills to run, and please, for the love of all that’s holy, don’t make me look like a fucking dropkick in front of Logan Waters. I’ll never live it down.”

With that, the boys get straight back into training. After all, we have our first game of the season coming up at the end of the week, and these bastards need to be ready. Like Logan said, we have a title to defend.

Within seconds, Logan is on the ice and the boys kick it up a notch, but it doesn’t take them long to realize they still have a shitload to learn. They may be kings here in college, but compared to the NHL, they’re nothing but amateurs.