With that, we both take off through the rain toward the parking lot. “You want me to follow you home?” he asks, though I know it’s only because of the storm and his need to help a damsel in distress.

“I’ll be okay,” I tell him as we round the corner and come to a stop, both of us seeing the massive boom gate closing off the parking lot.

“Fuck,” he curses. “We’re going to have to make a run for it.”

“Shit,” I groan, turning to him. “I guess, I’ll see you later?” I say, extremely awkwardly.

“Fuck that,” he scoffs. “Like hell I’d let you run home at night by yourself, especially during a fucking storm. Your brothers would have my balls if they ever found out.”

Shit. Don’t think about his balls. Don’t think about his balls.

“Fine,” I grumble, knowing a losing battle when I see one. We both take off home, sprinting through the torrential rain, and before I know it, we’re crashing through my front door and soaking everything in our path. “I’ll grab you a towel,” I say, taking off down the hallway, knowing Bri is going to kill me for this.

Jax follows behind me but stops when he gets to my room and pushes the door open. I rifle through the hallway cupboard, grab a towel, and step back into my room to find him with his back to me and my old acoustic guitar in his hands. The very guitar he had bought me when I was fourteen and finally admitted I wanted to make music.

“You’ve still got this,” he says, turning slowly to look at me.

“Yeah,” I breathe. “I could never part with it.”

Jax turns it in his hands before gently placing it back down. He takes two steps, placing himself right in front of me, and pushes a dripping strand of hair off my cheek. His fingers run down the length of my face and down my throat, following my arms until he’s gently taking the towel out of my hands. Rather than stepping back to dry himself off, he throws the towel aside.

His eyes search mine as he comes in closer, slowly tilting his face toward mine, almost as if asking for permission. I lift my chin, allowing my lips to softly press against his, bringing me home for the first time in three years. He kisses me tenderly, as though I’m a precious piece of crystal that could shatter in his hands.

My eyes close as my hands twine up his strong arms and come to rest behind his neck, my fingers finding purchase in the soft hair at the back of his head. Jax deepens the kiss, and a moan escapes me as his hands travel down my body and stop at the bottom of my shirt. He begins peeling the wet fabric off me, and despite knowing just how dangerous this is, I let him continue, my need for him like nothing I’ve ever felt.

He pulls the shirt up and over my head before trailing his hands back down my body and lifting me by the back of my thighs. My legs wrap around his strong body, and as he walks us toward the bed, his lips never leave mine.

Jaxon crashes to my bed, and his large body comes down on top of mine. Pulling my arms free, I get to work on his shirt, and he pulls back just enough to help remove the wet fabric. He reaches around me, unclasping my bra, his featherlight touch on my back causing tingles to shoot down my spine. He sits up a little higher and gives me an almighty view of his body as he slowly draws my bra straps off my arms.

His gaze sails over me, taking in every inch of my body as if seeing me for the first time. But I can’t find it within me to watch his reaction. Instead, my eyes are glued to his body. A body that is now one of a man. A very sexy, very defined man.

I start at his strong shoulders and travel down to the muscled pecs, my mouth watering with desire. My hand rises and lands right in the center of his chest, feeling the strong muscles under my fingers, and I trail down toward his abs, my fingers feeling the sharp ridges that come with years of dedicated training.

He’s a fucking Adonis. Perfect in every way.

I keep working my way down, past his glorious V, and take hold of his belt buckle. My gaze flickers up to meet his, making sure he truly wants this. His eyes are flaming with need, and I take that as my cue to continue. I rid him of his pants, and he comes back down on top of me.

Jax’s lips find the soft skin of my neck and my back arches up off my mattress, my tits pressing against him. He works his way down, his hands cupping my breasts before sucking my pebbled nipple into his mouth, forcing another moan out of me. His free hand travels down my body and finds the button of my jeans. “Are you sure, Cass?” he asks. “I won’t be able to stop. Not with you.”